Bug #4525
closedsaved KAR and memory report can be out of sync
Create a simple report sand save it. Now change it, close the report and re-open the KAR (I've been right-clicking in the components tree). You should see the changed report. Now restart Kepler and re-open the KAR. You should see the original report.
Related issues
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
And I'm not touching the Refresh (using current layout) button, so that should have nothing to do with it.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
sounds like we need to "clear out the memory" when we close the window for this workflow/layout.
this should probably be done in concert with the "prompting to save when changed layout is closed" bug #4524
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
Upon further investigation, it seems that the ReportLayout (object) is being modified as it resides in the cache. So when you look up the layout using the LSID you get the latest version as it exists in memory. It seems that reopening the KAR does not purge the cache of that modified ReportLayout in preference for the original ReportLayout as given in the KAR.
It appears that the cache() method in the KAREntry handler interface is not being called for the report layouts (since I presume the KAR has already been cached on previous start ups of Kepler).
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
we are now getting rid of the report layout when the frame is closed - only the version that is in the kar will be used.