



Bug #4524


no prompt to save a changed report

Added by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

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If I change the report, don't save, and close the window, I get no prompt to save it.

Related issues

Blocked by Kepler - Bug #4525: saved KAR and memory report can be out of syncResolvedben leinfelder11/03/2009

Actions #1

Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago


Actions #2

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

We solved this by adding the 'lock report' feature.

Actions #3

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago

i don't think that's a "fix" for this issue.
If I've been making report layout changes and then i close Kepler, I am not prompted to save the report (because the workflow has not changed).
How does "locking" the report solve this issue?

Actions #4

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago

This dialog also comes up in at least two cases when it shouldn't:
1) don't have a report design underway
2) when changing to a report design that's the same as the current.

Actions #5

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

There is a prompt showing up now, but still need to add the save if they answer yes.

Actions #6

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

They are now prompted to save, and if they answer yes, their work is saved to a KAR.

Actions #7

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago

This doesn't work for me. If I design a workflow and report layout, save it to kar, change the report layout, and then close the kepler window, I see a dialog popup and immediately disappear, and the window just closes. If I open an existing kar that has a report, then change the report, I don't think I see the dialog at all, the window just closes. Under some other circumstance I did see the dialog, but when I clicked yes, I got an NPE and the dialog kept popping back up.

Actions #8

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

Can you please tell me what revision number you have for this ? What you are describing sounds like an old version. In a few minutes, I will check it in again to both trunk and 2.0 branch. Please update.

Actions #9

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago

This is at r24529 on reporting trunk. You haven't made changes post that revision that are checked in. Are you not seeing this behavior? What revision are you at?

Actions #10

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

Revision 24531 is the most recent, I have updated the files in both trunk and in the 2.0 branch. In this revision. Derik, in this version I do not see the problems you have described. Thanks.

Actions #11

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago

Things still behave as described in comment7 at r24535 in reporting trunk for me, on both os X and windows XP.

Actions #12

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

I am still not seeing the behavior that you describe. This was however, a behavior that was present in a previous version, that had since been fixed. The previous cause of the behavior was that the code had used a timer to wait before closing the window - but this was completely removed in the newer version. It was replaced by an override of the windowClosing event. Can you please describe the steps that you are taking so that I can try to replicate it. Is this happening for you in the 2.0 branch as well ?

Actions #13

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago

The steps I'm taking are as described in comment#7. Yes, this happens in 2.0 as well. If it's not happening for you, and you've created a fix, perhaps it's not checked in. Can you check that you're not out of sync w/ the repository?

Actions #14

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

Figured out what is happening here. Ptolemy > gui > Top _queryForSave method is being used instead of the ReportDesignerPanel DefaultCloseOperation.

Actions #15

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 14 years ago

Fixed at r25050 in 2.0 branch.
I'm going to wait until further work on reporting is done before i merge 2.0 branch changes into trunk.

Actions #16

Updated by Derik Barseghian about 14 years ago

I merged a long time ago. Just tried and works on trunk, closing.

Actions #17

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 4524


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