



Bug #4562


report seems to exist in MOML workflows when kar of same name exists in a local repository

Added by Oliver Soong over 14 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

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Create a workflow, save it with some basename (e.g., test.xml), then create a report and save it with the same basename (e.g., test.kar). Open the xml file. No report. Add the folder containing the kar as a local repository. Open the xml file. There should be a report.

At the moment, the local repository is not being displayed, as per bug 4559.

Actions #1

Updated by ben leinfelder over 14 years ago

Yeah - so right now the KARs in the local repository are being cached - including the report.
The report is associated with the workflow.
The workflow has the same LSID no matter if it is a stand-alone xml file or inside a kar.
So no matter which format of the workflow you open, you'll get the report layout from the cache.

Actions #2

Updated by ben leinfelder over 14 years ago

While I can see this as odd-looking, I think it ultimately makes sense. KARs in this context are just packaging and can certainly contain different combinations of the exact same objects.

Actions #3

Updated by Oliver Soong over 14 years ago

So what happens if I want to have 2 reports for the same workflow? If I want to generate a new report for a workflow KAR that already exists in the cache, I have to go through and delete all the items in the report? Export the MOML, then remove the KAR from the cache? What if I add a local repository containing two separate KARs with the same MOML but different ROMLs? Basically, I don't think MOML-ROML is necessarily 1:1.

Actions #4

Updated by ben leinfelder over 14 years ago

Very good point. The intent was to support 1:n layouts - but that requirement got has been pushed to a later phase.

For the case where you develop another report for the same workflow, you should be able to open the KAR from a non-local repository location and it will use the layout given in that KAR you just opened.

But, yes, if you want to make a completely empty layout for an existing workflow that is in your local repository location (with existing layout) you'll have to remove the report items one by one.

Actions #5

Updated by Redmine Admin over 11 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 4562


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