Bug #4563
closedcomponents search seems to be broken
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It no longer seems to return anything.
Related issues
Updated by Derik Barseghian over 15 years ago
It's working for me at r21785. There's still the issue with non-workflow items within kars not showing up, but I'm seeing results for everything else atm. I restarted kepler a few times after doing different things and it's still working.
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
Hm, something got buggered somewhere along the way, but I'm not sure exactly what. A clean-cache fixed it, but now I have the problem with report archives not showing up again. If I can figure out how to get it back, I'll add more detail.
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
If you follow the instructions in comment 5 for bug 4559, you'll get a Kepler instance with the report archive and run archive both appearing in the components tree. This seems to cause search to fail.