Bug #4572
closedROML lost when reported ports are in composite actors
Starting from a clean-cache:
1. Create a KAR containing a composite actor and a report:
a. SDF (iterations = 1) and composite at the root workflow
b. RExpression and Display in the composite
c. RExpression.graphicsFileName > Display.input>Save Archive (KAR). There is no ROML in the KAR.
d. CompositeActor.RExpression.graphicsFileName in the report.
2. File
I'm at r21807 and I see this at r21788 as well. What is confusing me at the moment is how I managed to generate a report at r21788 (I think) based primarily on ports within composite actors. I'll investigate more later.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
I was deleting the layout when the frame was closed (and the frame for the composite shared that same model). Now checking for the toplevel model when doing the action.