Bug #4592
closedROML lost when saving KAR a second time
Create a workflow and report. File->Save Archive. The KAR should contain the ROML. File->Save Archive again, overwriting the original file. I sometimes get this error on the console:
ERROR (org.kepler.kar.handlers.ReportLayoutKAREntryHandler:saveReportLayout:292) Could not set LSID for ReportLayout: null
When it happens, the KAR loses the report layout.
Related issues
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
Overwriting turns out not to be necessary. Simply File->Save Archive again.
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
- Bug 4593 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
The error occurs on the second File->Save Archive as long as the KAR is not closed and re-opened between.
New workflow, File->Save Archive, File->Save Archive: error
Saved KAR, File->Save Archive: no error
Saved KAR, File->Save Archive, File->Save Archive: error
Saved KAR, File->Save Archive, close & re-open, File->Save Archive: no error
Saved KAR, File->Save Archive, close & re-open, File->Save Archive, File->Save Archive: error
The workaround is to close and re-open the KAR after saving archives. Saving XML doesn't seem to matter.
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
The workaround I suggested sometimes seems to trigger bug 4571, so it might be safest to restart Kepler after saving the archive.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
Because the model was being closed and reopened, we trashed the layout on the close (which happened after the "new" freshly saved KAR was opened) so the layout was not actually available for the second save.
Now we will not destroy (in memory) the report layout for a workflow that is still open (in another kepler window).