Bug #4848
only first change to Customize Documentation shown in Documentation=>Display
Added by Derik Barseghian over 14 years ago.
Updated over 14 years ago.
If I right-click Documentation=>Customize Documentation on an actor, I can change the documentation, and Documentation=>Display will reflect the change. However any subsequent change will not show up in Display (even though the subsequent changes are maintained in the Customize window).
The problem is with calling Show Documentation (which calls GetDocumentationAction) twice.
On the first call to GetDocumentationAction, there are 0 docAttributes on the NamedObj, and so the KeplerDocumentationAttribute on the NamedObj is used. KeplerDocumentationAttribute.getDocAttribute is called, which creates a docAttribute. So on the second call to Show Documentation, there's a docAttribute, and since we're just using the default vergil context menu and the docPreference is 0 (which means ptolemy...1 is for kepler), the KeplerDocumentationAttribute is not used.
One idea is to instead use the ShowDocumentationAction ("View Documentation" from the library area), which sets the kepler docPreference. Unfortunately this action can't just be called, it expects certain member variables be set first. I'm looking into adapting this class...
fixed for workflows and actors in r23238.
fixed also for Directors in r23268 (trunk) and r23269 (2.0)
Thanks Christopher. I updated kepler trunk to use ptolemy r57481 and made the required change to uiContextMenuMappings in r23329 so that repeated customizations to the documentation are shown with Documentation=>Display by using the ShowDocumentationAction action instead of Get Documentation for ports and attributes (required for this to work in Kepler).
I think you made a typo in your comment and intended to refer to this bug (4848), which yes, I'm going to close now. If you really did mean 4072, that one needs to stay open until I get Remove Documentation working (bug#4852).
Original Bugzilla ID was 4848
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