Bug #504
closedincorrect rendering of eml-physical in xml editor (eml Beta6)
How to reproduce:
From package editor, select an eml-physical module (eml Beta6) and start to
edit in the xml editor. In the tree view, right click on the last entry
("SEQUENCE"), and select "duplicate". Fill out both sequences with a value
for "fieldStartColumn" and choose "fieldDelimiter" and enter a value.
Save the data.
Data gets written to XML file correctly (therefore displays directly from
metacat) - but when module is re-opened in Morpho's xml editor, only
one "SEQUENCE" element is shown, instead of two. However, this single element
contains both "fieldStartColumn" entries, and only one "CHOICE" entry, but
this CHOICE entry now contains 3 choices - an empty "fieldWidth" element, and
both of the "fieldDelimiter" elements entered earlier.
Updated by Dan Higgins over 22 years ago
not a common problem since eml-physical usually not edited by user - moved to 1.3
Updated by Dan Higgins over 21 years ago
New editor in Morpo 1.4.1 fixes this problem