Bug #5361
closedAnimate at Runtime broken
Upon starting Kepler, the following error appears on the console:
Exception trying to create an Action for classname: <org.kepler.gui.RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction>
This is caused by a circular reference. KeplerMenuHandler.pack() executes
[1] menuMapper = new MenuMapper((TableauFrame) t)
The call to the MenuMapper constructor eventually leads to calling the contructor for class RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction. This latter constructor executes
[2] MenuMapper menuMapper = (MenuMapper) parent.getAlternateTopPack()
In [2], parent.getAlternateTopPack() returns the same instance of KeplerMenuHandler which is still executing [1], and the call to getObject(null) returns menuMapper which is null since statement [1] has not yet completed. A null pointer exception is thrown. The Animate at Runtime item does not appear in the Tools menu.
Updated by Aaron Aaron almost 14 years ago
The "Animate at Runtime" menu item is working again. It appears in the Tools menu.