Bug #5361
closedAnimate at Runtime broken
Upon starting Kepler, the following error appears on the console:
Exception trying to create an Action for classname: <org.kepler.gui.RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction>
This is caused by a circular reference. KeplerMenuHandler.pack() executes
[1] menuMapper = new MenuMapper((TableauFrame) t)
The call to the MenuMapper constructor eventually leads to calling the contructor for class RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction. This latter constructor executes
[2] MenuMapper menuMapper = (MenuMapper) parent.getAlternateTopPack()
In [2], parent.getAlternateTopPack() returns the same instance of KeplerMenuHandler which is still executing [1], and the call to getObject(null) returns menuMapper which is null since statement [1] has not yet completed. A null pointer exception is thrown. The Animate at Runtime item does not appear in the Tools menu.