Bug #5450
closedMenu: Help -> Kepler Documentation causes IllegalArgumentException
I´ve opened the Help menu and select Kepler Documentation which causes an exeption:
export LANG=en-US
user@linux-9aw6:~/Software/kepler-2.2-linux> ./kepler.sh
JVM Memory = 5m 512m
[null] Checking for patches...
[null] Building Kars...
[null] Ran additional initialization for module core from class org.kepler.module.core.Initialize
[null] Ran additional initialization for module gui from class org.kepler.module.gui.Initialize
[null] Kepler Initializing...
[null] INFO (org.kepler.objectmanager.library.LibraryManager:buildLibrary:338) Building Library...
[null] INFO (org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.LocalRepositoryManager:scanReposForKarFiles:246) Scanning Local Repo
[null] INFO (org.kepler.kar.KARCacheManager:synchronizeKARCacheWithLocalRepositories:374) The Cache is in sync w
[null] version = 2.2
[null] ERROR (org.kepler.gui.MenuMapper:getActionFor:269) Exception trying to create an Action for classname: <org.kepler.gui.RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction>:
[null] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction constructor could not get actions for DEBUG->ANIMATE EXECUTION or DEBUG->STOP ANIMATING (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)
Nothing happens to the program functionality.
My platform is:
openSUSE11.4 kernel3.0
IcedTea/openjdk b22
Related issues
Updated by unknown unknown over 13 years ago
Also happens with Menu: Window -> Runtime Window -
[null] ERROR (org.kepler.gui.MenuMapper:getActionFor:269) Exception trying to create an Action for classname: <org.kepler.gui.RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction>:
[null] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction constructor could not get actions for DEBUG->ANIMATE EXECUTION or DEBUG->STOP ANIMATING (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)
Updated by unknown unknown over 13 years ago
Has changed a bit in trunk (revision 28231):
[run] Using default context menu stuff for class: ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
[run] ERROR (org.kepler.gui.MenuMapper:getActionFor:295) Exception trying to create an Action for classname: <org.kepler.gui.RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction>:
[run] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction constructor could not get actions for DEBUG->ANIMATE EXECUTION or DEBUG->STOP ANIMATING (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)
It´s ubiquitous, so it´s less important which Kepler function I choose.
Updated by Daniel Crawl over 13 years ago
Fixed in r28869. RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction was expecting the Ptolemy actions Debug->Animate Execution and Debug->Stop Animating to always be present; whenever a window opened that did not have these actions, e.g., an actor documentation window, RunWithFeedbackChkBoxAction would throw an exception. Interestingly, this problem has existed since Kepler 1.0, but MenuMapper only recently started displaying the exception.