Bug #5507
closedWindows Installer: The R choice is not unselectable
When installing under Windows, I'm given a choice of which components
to install: Kepler and the R interface.
However, the R interface checkbox is not selectable, so I have to install
Why do we offer the user the illusion of choice if they can't make
a choice?
This is minor and in no way a blocker, so feel free to retarget.
Updated by Derik Barseghian over 13 years ago
This has been bugging me as well, it's confusing and pointless. If I have time I'll try to look into it.
Updated by Matt Jones over 13 years ago
I'm not sure why we offer the choice at all. We decided a while ago that we shouldn't ship R with the installer because R is GPL'ed and that causes conflicts. So... we probably should remove the choice altogether.
Updated by David Welker over 13 years ago
This shouldn't be hard to fix at all. You just need to modify the files that control IzPack. I would suggest fixing this before releasing 2.3.
Updated by Christopher Brooks over 13 years ago
The "R Kepler Module" checkbox appears to only install the R interface, not
all of R. The size is reported as 1.86Mb.
The description is:
"Installs the R module which allows Kepler to use the R analytical engine."
It is an interesting question about whether shipping the R interface
means that Kepler is GPL'd. If I remember correctly, if the
"R Kepler Module" calls R by executing it as a subprocess, then Kepler
would not fall under GPL. If the "R Kepler Module" calls R via
shared libraries (or the Java classpath?) then Kepler would fall
under GPL.
Someone should check for sure.
I do agree that Kepler should definitely not ship the R installer.
Updated by Derik Barseghian over 13 years ago
Should be fixed at r28913-14:
fix http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5507 -- no longer show unchangeable 'R Kepler Module' box during install. The R module gets installed regardless, I don't know why this was reworded instead of removed when we stopped including R itself as an optional install.
I tested an R workflow in windows after installing with a test installer where the checkbox is removed, and it worked. I can also instantiate an R actor from the R folder in the components lib.
If anyone see a problem with anything R related, especially on Windows, reopen.