



Bug #5507


Windows Installer: The R choice is not unselectable

Added by Christopher Brooks over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

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When installing under Windows, I'm given a choice of which components
to install: Kepler and the R interface.

However, the R interface checkbox is not selectable, so I have to install

Why do we offer the user the illusion of choice if they can't make
a choice?

This is minor and in no way a blocker, so feel free to retarget.

Actions #1

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 13 years ago

This has been bugging me as well, it's confusing and pointless. If I have time I'll try to look into it.

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Jones over 13 years ago

I'm not sure why we offer the choice at all. We decided a while ago that we shouldn't ship R with the installer because R is GPL'ed and that causes conflicts. So... we probably should remove the choice altogether.

Actions #3

Updated by David Welker over 13 years ago

This shouldn't be hard to fix at all. You just need to modify the files that control IzPack. I would suggest fixing this before releasing 2.3.

Actions #4

Updated by Christopher Brooks over 13 years ago

The "R Kepler Module" checkbox appears to only install the R interface, not
all of R. The size is reported as 1.86Mb.
The description is:
"Installs the R module which allows Kepler to use the R analytical engine."

It is an interesting question about whether shipping the R interface
means that Kepler is GPL'd. If I remember correctly, if the
"R Kepler Module" calls R by executing it as a subprocess, then Kepler
would not fall under GPL. If the "R Kepler Module" calls R via
shared libraries (or the Java classpath?) then Kepler would fall
under GPL.

Someone should check for sure.

I do agree that Kepler should definitely not ship the R installer.

Actions #5

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 13 years ago

Should be fixed at r28913-14:
fix -- no longer show unchangeable 'R Kepler Module' box during install. The R module gets installed regardless, I don't know why this was reworded instead of removed when we stopped including R itself as an optional install.

I tested an R workflow in windows after installing with a test installer where the checkbox is removed, and it worked. I can also instantiate an R actor from the R folder in the components lib.

If anyone see a problem with anything R related, especially on Windows, reopen.

Actions #6

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 5507


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