



Bug #705


Fix basic EcoArt:load ecoart - all levels of the framework

Added by Michael Lee over 22 years ago. Updated over 18 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


ML evaluate & test, technical issues work


notes_beta_comm.txt (4.68 KB) notes_beta_comm.txt Michael Lee, 04/23/2003 01:09 PM

Related issues

Blocks VegBank - Bug #706: [340] Enter basic EcoArt:load ecoart - all levels of the framework-aClosedJohn Harris11/13/2002

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Lee over 22 years ago

Make sure DFL knows about bug 704.

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Lee almost 22 years ago

I also sent an email about the things that are wrong with the loading of comm's
on beta. Mostly just commUsage.commName_ID.

Several comments there also about how we generally do this: names used for
subGroups are duplicated and whether or not to store names like "SG.132". These
are directed more at Bob than Gabe. Since we can't share bug ownership, it goes
to Gabe for now to fix the obvious things, then can go back to Bob to consider
my other comments.

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Lee almost 22 years ago

Lee must check with Carol Fogelsong about the names upon which we are basing our
comm concepts.

Actions #5

Updated by Michael Lee almost 22 years ago

I spoke with Carol Fogelsong this morning about how to load the community
concepts and she said that Biotics will include CEGL codes (CEGL00xxxx) and
Alliance Keys ( as legacy fields and "concatenated unit fields" (V.A.1.n)
to identify Class-Formations. The Key values (F.13, SG.2) will not be migrated
into Biotics. Biotics will also have new identifiers, but we can get at these
with these legacy fields.

Therefore, we don't need to add keys as a usage system!

So, associations should be based on CEGL codes (CEGLxxxxxxx)
alliances based on Alliance Keys (
formations based on formationCode (V.A.1.n.e)
subgroups on subgroupCode (V.A.1.n)
groups on groupCode (V.A.1)
subclass on subClassCode (V.A)
classes on classCode (V)

I think this is generally what we were thinking before, so it shouldn't add work
for us!

Actions #6

Updated by Gabriel Farrell almost 22 years ago

I addressed the commname, commusage issue as I understand it

Enter all names into commname and point the usage table at the same name.

Actions #7

Updated by Michael Lee almost 22 years ago

We should be good to go on this then. Beta doesn't have many commNames on it
now, so I assume that these are not completely loaded there. So though I have
not seen it with my eyes, I trust that Gabe has fixed the only minor problems
that were hanging around from last time, as he said.

Actions #8

Updated by Michael Lee about 20 years ago

changed from components that are to be deleted to "misc" so that bugs don't get
deleted with component. Sorry for all the email.

Actions #9

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 705


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