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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2190 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Metacat Spatial Option Admin Page Matthew Perry 01/24/2013 11:49 AM Actions
2189 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Refactor skins so returnfield list comes from configuration Matthew Perry 07/31/2006 11:52 AM Actions
2188 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate replace web client with OpenLayers ben leinfelder 02/22/2011 09:46 AM Actions
2186 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Customizable web map client Matthew Perry 07/31/2006 12:00 PM Actions
2185 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Package the Metacat spatial option independently Matthew Perry 07/27/2006 01:59 PM Actions
2184 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Integrate into skins system Matthew Perry 09/11/2006 02:27 PM Actions
2183 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal use metacat events to trigger spatial element creation Matthew Perry 09/11/2006 02:43 PM Actions
2182 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Identifying point goes direct to metadata display Matthew Perry 07/24/2006 02:10 PM Actions
2181 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Footprint based query Matthew Perry 07/24/2006 02:13 PM Actions
2179 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Fix harvesting script to get all points and boxes Matthew Perry 09/11/2006 02:41 PM Actions
2178 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Evaluate java-based web mapping applinactions Matthew Perry 07/24/2006 01:21 PM Actions
1689 Jalama Bug Resolved Low deploy the nightly build on fedora and mac osx John Harris 06/06/2005 05:30 PM Actions
1683 Jalama Bug Resolved Immediate servlet cache is missing in the warfile John Harris 03/11/2005 01:17 PM Actions
1183 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal jalama won't run with jvm less than version 1.4 Chris Jones 03/11/2005 11:17 AM Actions
1112 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal linux - core dumps on window closing John Harris 03/10/2005 01:42 PM Actions
1082 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal webclient osx -- modify webclient to run with current moz John Harris 06/19/2003 02:59 PM Actions
1081 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal webclient osx -- write the CocoaBrowserControlCanvas code John Harris 06/19/2003 02:59 PM Actions
1080 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal webclient osx -- add mac-specific code John Harris 06/18/2003 02:51 PM Actions
1021 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal dynamically link the native libs on mac John Harris 09/01/2004 04:00 PM Actions
1020 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal fix mac compile warnings John Harris 07/16/2003 07:21 AM Actions
1011 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal Need a logging facility! John Harris 07/16/2003 07:23 AM Actions
1010 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal Jalama mozilla renderer won't run if moz. running John Harris 06/18/2003 02:49 PM Actions
1005 Jalama Bug Resolved Normal Test jalama with Sun Java 1.4.x John Harris 03/11/2003 01:14 PM Actions
937 VegBank Bug Resolved Normal certification application fails John Harris 01/09/2003 03:57 PM Actions
936 VegBank Bug Resolved Low Develop data-maps for Landcare, VPRO, and NRIS Robert Peet 09/11/2006 11:46 AM Actions
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