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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3660 Bug Resolved Normal Auto-scroll window when performing a selection Ryan McFall 01/13/2009 01:13 PM Actions
3966 Bug Resolved Normal Buggy functionality: Show Images - Hide Images in questionComponent Ryan McFall 04/30/2009 12:00 PM Actions
3457 Bug Resolved Normal Can't immediately edit new choice for multiple choice question Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 07:28 AM Actions
3406 Bug Resolved Normal Changing delimiters on ConfigureDataSource doesn't work Ryan McFall 05/13/2009 01:24 PM Actions
3820 Bug Resolved Normal Dropping image into common instructions prompt shows image drop targets for whole question Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 07:09 AM Actions
3989 Bug Resolved Normal Garbled text in questions and missing choices! Ryan McFall 05/18/2009 12:17 PM Actions
4024 Bug Resolved Normal Image drop target disappears after deleting last image from a response item Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 07:16 AM Actions
3965 Bug Resolved Normal Inappropriate error message when the document is a scanned PDF Ryan McFall 05/02/2009 03:13 PM Actions
4045 Bug Resolved Immediate Incorrect use of <item> elements in QTI Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 08:09 AM Actions
4375 Bug Resolved Normal item metadata not serializing correctly (Metadata items not faithfully retrieved on re-opening an assessment) Ryan McFall 09/26/2009 02:35 AM Actions
3662 Bug Resolved Normal Modify PDF pane navigation controls on vector rasterization page Ryan McFall 05/08/2009 05:10 AM Actions
3525 Bug Resolved Normal MouseExited logic not invoked when exiting scrollbar into PDFPane Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 07:20 AM Actions
3878 Bug Resolved Normal Need to allow selection rectangles to be drawn in directions other than top-left to bottom-right Ryan McFall 05/08/2009 05:11 AM Actions
3658 Bug Resolved Normal Need to be able to save during parsing process Ryan McFall 09/21/2009 08:10 AM Actions
3446 Bug Resolved Normal NullPointerException on previous from ReviewColumnAssignments Ryan McFall 05/25/2009 10:49 AM Actions
3858 Bug Resolved Normal "open a new document" menu in parser does not work. Ryan McFall 05/04/2009 09:15 AM Actions
3572 Bug Resolved Normal Prompt associated with multi-part question missing on page 2 of Exam3BS110s08dem.pdf Ryan McFall 05/08/2009 05:11 AM Actions
3749 Bug Resolved Normal Putting question into edit mode probably shouldn't be undoable action Ryan McFall 05/20/2009 05:40 PM Actions
3434 Bug Resolved Normal Row number incorrect when verifying student selection Ryan McFall 05/13/2009 01:43 PM Actions
3526 Bug Resolved Normal Should allow rectangle associated with vectorized image to be edited when clicked on Ryan McFall 05/12/2009 09:29 AM Actions
3659 Bug Resolved Normal Warn users if assessment has no question numbers Ryan McFall 05/09/2009 11:29 AM Actions
3536 Bug Resolved Normal Allow PDF view to "pop out" of GUI parser Sandeep Namilikonda 02/24/2009 07:10 PM Actions
3879 Bug Resolved Normal Allow user to exit without saving Sandeep Namilikonda 04/01/2009 07:38 AM Actions
3717 Bug Resolved Normal Confirm and cancel icons can be invisible if drawn selection extends beyond viewport border Sandeep Namilikonda 11/03/2009 01:23 PM Actions
4011 Bug Resolved Normal Double digit question numbers appear as single digit! Sandeep Namilikonda 05/09/2009 10:35 PM Actions
(26-50/58) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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