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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4740 Bug New Normal Create Ontology_Catalog sql table in the CORE persistent database Aaron Aaron 02/10/2010 03:11 PM Actions
4584 Bug New Normal CacheManager.getObject(KeplerLSID lsid) returns an object with the wrong LSID Aaron Aaron 01/27/2010 05:11 PM Actions
4012 Bug New Low update documentation to explain adding actor to library via KAR Aaron Aaron 01/27/2010 03:43 PM Actions
6588 Bug New Normal R actor does not have error for missing output ben leinfelder 08/21/2015 03:54 PM Actions
6575 Feature New Normal reference parameters in R actor's script ben leinfelder 08/21/2015 03:54 PM Actions
5590 Bug New Normal RExpression forces pdf if 'automatically show graphics' is checked ben leinfelder 08/21/2015 04:16 PM Actions
5030 Bug New Normal RExpression2 actor will fail if the libs are not found ben leinfelder 05/27/2010 02:14 PM Actions
4881 Bug New Normal RExpression outputs [false] for any matrix of booleans ben leinfelder 03/12/2010 10:53 AM Actions
4880 Bug New Normal RExpression cannot output matrix of strings ben leinfelder 03/12/2010 10:54 AM Actions
4879 Bug New Normal RExpression replaces ) in string vectors with } when outputting to a port ben leinfelder 03/12/2010 10:37 AM Actions
4876 Bug New Normal RExpression - recursively handle arrays ben leinfelder 03/11/2010 03:25 PM Actions
4407 Bug New Normal RExpression problems with named non-numeric vectors ben leinfelder 01/13/2010 02:34 PM Actions
4219 Bug New Normal "Kepler Repositories" should be retrieved from the registry ben leinfelder 08/26/2009 02:28 PM Actions
4010 Bug New Normal RExpression2 - tracking for backwards compatibility ben leinfelder 02/23/2010 12:58 PM Actions
4002 Bug New Normal RExpression2 - handle arbitrary R data structures ben leinfelder 08/18/2009 03:18 PM Actions
3931 Bug New Normal Get the R actor working with JNI ben leinfelder 07/13/2009 04:09 PM Actions
3278 Bug New Normal Search result count is inflated when using both KNB sources ([un]authenticated) ben leinfelder 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
3220 Bug New Normal "Save" from TextEditor interferes with workflow save-before-closing prompt ben leinfelder 09/03/2009 04:20 PM Actions
3152 Bug New Normal Use EcoGridServicesController with EcoGridWriter actor ben leinfelder 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
2969 Bug New Normal Ability to join tables _across_ EML data packages ben leinfelder 09/11/2007 06:10 PM Actions
2968 Bug New Normal Ability to join tables within same EML data package ben leinfelder 09/11/2007 06:10 PM Actions
2964 Bug New Normal Change RExpression plotting actors to allow custom axis and title labels ben leinfelder 07/01/2008 11:33 AM Actions
2963 Bug New Normal Add data structure for tabular data and associated metadata ben leinfelder 08/17/2009 02:30 PM Actions
2962 Bug New Normal Add metadata to data tokens so that it can be used downstream ben leinfelder 02/10/2012 12:15 AM Actions
4869 Bug In Progress Normal changes made to workflows during dialogs before committing (Edit Parameters/Cancel) ben leinfelder 05/25/2010 11:52 AM Actions
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