



Bug #4869


changes made to workflows during dialogs before committing (Edit Parameters/Cancel)

Added by Oliver Soong almost 15 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

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When I make changes to an actor through the dialog, it seems like the changes are made to the workflow immediately, before the "Commit" button is clicked.

For example, create a workflow with an EML 2 Dataset actor. Make sure Kepler has not already authenticated with KNB. Now edit the EML 2 Dataset actor to reference a data package that requires authentication. The KNB login window will immediately pop up, even though no changes have been committed. Dismiss the window in some way. Now click the Help button and close the help window. The dialog will have disappeared. Open the actor dialog again, and the change will be there.

I should point out that the "Cancel" button does seem to work, but I suspect (based on debugging comments and comments in code) that this acts by reverting the changes already made.

I've seen this for sure on EML 2 Dataset and RExpression, since changes to one trigger visual feedback and I've mucked around in the code of the other. I suspect this is a general problem, though, and it may be a result of the underlying ptolemy design.

Related issues

Is duplicate of Kepler - Bug #5029: Parameter changes can be committed without clicking the commit buttonResolvedChad Berkley05/25/2010

Actions #1

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago

It's that attributeChanged() method - I know the EML actor does a lot of things in that method, and I remember it being called more times than you might think for each "change". It definitely gets called before hitting "commit" (otherwise, as you mention, we wouldn't be able to change some of the options in the dialog). Not sure we can get away from that behavior, but it'd be nice if when the dialog window "goes away" the changes are not saved (unless "Commit" was pressed, of course).

Actions #2

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago

from conf. call:
-verify that "cancel" does work for all normal cases
-isolate the sequence that caused the changes to persist (layered UI dialogs)
-if ptolemy-based, investigate undo method.

Actions #3

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago

You can get into trouble if you Edit the actor parameters then press other buttons (other than Cancel and Commit):
-Help...then Cancel/Ok in that screen (Edit dialog disappears leaving your changes committed)
-Remove..shows a screen...then Ok/Cancel will leave the actor with changes
-Add...same as above

The "Preferences" button displays a dialog, then returns to the actor preferences edit dialog when you dismiss the Preference dialog. This should be the behavior for the other buttons in this dialog (so that you can still choose to undo/cancel your changes.

Actions #4

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago

This happens when you just run Vergil:
-drag a StringConst actor to the stage
-edit the actor params
-type some value for it
-hit "Help"
-close help window
oops, no more edit dialog and my change is remembered (the value i typed in is now the value even though I never hit commit).

Ptolemy folks want to chime in on whether this is a bug or a feature? I think the Edit dialog should remain after I close the Help dialog so that I can always choose to cancel my actor parameter changes.

Actions #5

Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 15 years ago

It looks like there is some oddness in Vergil with edit parameters.
I'll see about taking a look.

Actions #6

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago

The _handleClosing() method in
does not restore the values of the actor parameters dialog when certain buttons are pushed. It seems like this was intentional, but maybe it should be revisited.
If you do call call contents.restore() the changes are not committed when, say, the Help window is presented (and subsequently dismissed).

method below:

/** If the contents of this dialog implements the CloseListener
    *  interface, then notify it that the window has closed.
protected void _handleClosing() {
if (!buttonPressed().equals("Commit") && !buttonPressed().equals("Add")
&& !buttonPressed().equals("Preferences")
&& !buttonPressed().equals("Help")
&& !buttonPressed().equals("Remove")) {
// Restore original parameter values.
((Configurer) contents).restore();
Actions #7

Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 15 years ago

This happens when you just run Vergil:
-drag a StringConst actor to the stage
-edit the actor params
-type some value for it
-hit "Help"
-close help window
oops, no more edit dialog and my change is remembered (the value i typed in is
now the value even though I never hit commit).

Ptolemy folks want to chime in on whether this is a bug or a feature? I think
the Edit dialog should remain after I close the Help dialog so that I can
always choose to cancel my actor parameter changes.

I checked Ptolemy II 6.0 and the above behavior occurs.
I checked a Web Start version of Ptolemy II 2.0 and the behavior below occurs:

-Remove..shows a screen...then Ok/Cancel will leave the actor with changes

So, I'm fairly certain this is design feature, not a new bug. The code
in EditParameters _handleClosing() dates from 2000.

The issue is that Edit Parameters is a modal dialog. If the user moves away
from the window by clicking a button that brings up another window, what should
Currently, we commit the change, which seems wrong.

An alternative is to close the window, losing the change and bring up
the new dialog. That seems wrong as well, since we are losing data.

A better alternative would be to somehow make the dialog non-modal, bring
up the new modal dialog, what for the new modal dialog to close and then
make the first dialog be modal again. Good luck getting that one right.
I for one, do not want to see a change like go out in Kepler-2.0. The
odds of getting it right are vanishingly small.

An even better alternative is to get rid of modal dialogs :-)

Actions #8

Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 15 years ago

Edward and I talked about this and he reminded me that changes are actually
committed as you move between fields. If you don't want to commit your
changes, then hit cancel. I agree that this is somewhat confusing, but
it is how the system was designed. I'd take suggestions about how to make
this more clear.

The best solution would be to move away from modal dialogs.

An alternative solution would be some sort of system that would bring
up the Edit Parameters dialog after the Help, Add or Remove dialog
was closed.

Since Ptolemy has had this misbehavior for about 10 years, and this
misbehavior is in Kepler-1.0, I move that this bug be either closed
or targeted to 2.X.Y. I'll leave it up to someone else to make that call.

Actions #9

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 15 years ago

Moving this bug to 2.x. It is not realistic to fix this for 2.0.

Actions #11

Updated by Christopher Brooks over 14 years ago

Sean Riddle posted bug 5029, which is a duplicate of this bug, so I closed 5029
Below is post:

1) Double-click on an actor and change a parameter.
2) Click the add button to trigger the "add parameter" dialog
3) Click Cancel

At this point, you're dumped back to the canvas, and your alteration to the
parameter of the actor has been committed. Seems like the preferred behavior is
either dumping the user back to the canvas with all changes rolled back, or
(even better) just return the user to the normal parameter change dialog after
they're done with the add parameter dialog.

I've managed to produce this on the RC3 installer on Windows XP, and on the
Kepler trunk on a Mac.

Actions #12

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 4869


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