



From 09/22/2001 to 10/21/2001


06:47 PM Bug #270: change LDAP interface to get complete DN from client
FIXED. Now the metacat authentication scheme assumes that the username passed
into metacat is the FULL DN and tries ...
Matt Jones
05:12 PM Bug #303 (Resolved): replace oracle xslt with xalan xslt
Need to upgrade to a more spec-compliant CSLT engine, which looks like it should
be Xalan suing TraX at this point i...
Matt Jones


08:48 PM Bug #280: provide support for multiple UI styles in metacat
Added a new generic style sheet called "ascii-treeview.xsl" that can format any
XML document into an ascci-art tree f...
Matt Jones
04:56 PM Bug #248: id finder needed for metacat
Resolved/FIXED. Matt Jones
04:50 PM Bug #248: id finder needed for metacat
FIXED with previosuly committed changes. Matt Jones
04:48 PM Bug #248: id finder needed for metacat
Rewrote the SQL function to select the MAX accession number used for a given
scope. The scope is now passed into Met...
Matt Jones


05:37 PM Bug #248: id finder needed for metacat
The current version of this code in Metacat will work correctly with the current
version of Morpho. The problem was r...
Dan Higgins


01:20 PM Bug #272: install production root LDAP server
Installed and configured openldap 2.0.11 on, and
configured it for both ldap and ldaps operat...
Matt Jones


10:46 PM Bug #278: Install production o=LTER LDAP Server
This feature is important, and our goal is to have it fully functional with the
new version of metacat and morpho by ...
Matt Jones
10:43 PM Bug #271: production metacat install
Also should point at the new LDAP service being installed on ecoinfo. Matt Jones
10:40 PM Bug #148: node-level granularity for ACLs
WONTFIX because we have decided that 1) node level granularity is largely
unneeded for our applications, and 2) there...
Matt Jones
10:39 PM Bug #19: need exception handling mechanism
WONTFIX because the exception handling is managed within each of the subsystems
of metacat, e.g., DocumentImpl handle...
Matt Jones
08:12 PM Bug #248: id finder needed for metacat
Need to change this function so that metacat returns the largest id number used
for a particular scope, regardless of...
Matt Jones
11:29 AM Bug #298 (Resolved): Problem with Export function
If a dataset which includes a data document is inserted into production Metacat
context and then 'Exported' the expo...
Dan Higgins
10:44 AM Bug #186: add web metadata entry form for Metacat
have begun cgi framework using the template-toolkit module for the separation of
logic from presentation.
Chris Jones
10:41 AM Bug #293: Extend perl module to Metacat
added getCookie() subroutine, and will use setOptions() to set the cookie. Chris Jones


04:40 PM Bug #248: id finder needed for metacat
It appears that Metacat does NOT return the LAST ID (It seems to return the last
id of a dataset document. But there ...
Dan Higgins


03:57 PM Bug #185: replication security hole
SOLVED Jivka Bojilova
03:45 PM Bug #185: replication security hole
The problem is described in Metacat Installation Instructions in web site
Jivka Bojilova


10:17 PM Bug #293 (Resolved): Extend perl module to Metacat
Add getCookie subroutine to so that the index.cgi that calls login()
can pass the JSESSIONID to the brows...
Chris Jones


11:32 AM Bug #291: knb context of Metacat fails to find eml-attribute dtd
typo located in database Dan Higgins
10:04 AM Bug #291 (Resolved): knb context of Metacat fails to find eml-attribute dtd
Inserting a new datapackage to Metacat from Morpho fails with message about not
being able to find eml-attribute dtd.
Dan Higgins


05:41 PM Bug #280: provide support for multiple UI styles in metacat
Need to implement a "generic" stylesheet for the case when no specific one is
available. Otherwise, completed.
Matt Jones


12:57 PM Bug #185: replication security hole
Added support for running replication over HTTPS.
Removed the check of IP address using the DNS because it doesn't pr...
Jivka Bojilova

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