



From 07/31/2002 to 08/29/2002


10:21 AM Bug #325: create site filters to convert site metadata to eml packages
Have done some sample conversions from semi-structured text metadata (document
fragments) into eml-beta9. Was waiting...
David Blankman
10:16 AM Bug #278: Install production o=LTER LDAP Server
This has been completed, although platform is now linux rather than Sun. David Blankman
10:13 AM Bug #366: Install & Test LDAP SSL Componenet for o=lter server
The o=lter LDAP tree has been installed and tested. David Blankman


08:54 AM Revision 1296 (metacat): This is a test for change cvs server from nceas to ecoinformatics. The debug level was changed from 35 to 50.
Jing Tao
01:51 AM Revision 1295 (metacat): Modified README to reflect new mailing list for feedback.
Matt Jones

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