



From 09/07/2005 to 10/06/2005


04:49 PM Bug #468: TLS between ldap server and metacat

I was able to setup secure connection between ldap and metacat without any
changes in the code. There might be a ne...
Saurabh Garg


01:40 PM Bug #2222 (Resolved): Bug in squery when using not-contains
For the following squery:
<pathquery version="1.2">
Saurabh Garg


11:46 AM Bug #2211: automatically insert pubDate on registry submission

pubDate is included in the eml document generated. Hence closing the bug.
Saurabh Garg
11:45 AM Bug #2214: Submitting lat/long coordinates in spatial coverage section

the fix works for coordinates enterd by Dr. Hochberg too. Hence closing the
Saurabh Garg
11:44 AM Bug #2220: Temporal coverage on Data Registry form

Fixed. Now only the year is required in the form.
Saurabh Garg
10:07 AM Bug #2220 (Resolved): Temporal coverage on Data Registry form
In the Temporal Coverage of Data section of the NCEAS Data Repository form
Veronique Connolly


05:30 PM Bug #2211: automatically insert pubDate on registry submission

The code has been added to register-dataset.cgi.
The bug can be closed after testing.
Saurabh Garg
04:05 PM Bug #2214: Submitting lat/long coordinates in spatial coverage section

Fix in the cvs now. The below given case works now. Should test with the
combination of coordinates which Dr. Hochb...
Saurabh Garg
12:40 PM Bug #2214 (Resolved): Submitting lat/long coordinates in spatial coverage section
A data package was created using the NCEAS Data Repository form. When
coordinates 53 deg, 34 min, 0 sec N, and 0 deg...
Veronique Connolly
02:47 PM Bug #2215: NCEAS skin: NCEAS Project(s) should be a required field
Sid fixed it. Veronique Connolly
12:45 PM Bug #2215 (Resolved): NCEAS skin: NCEAS Project(s) should be a required field
On the NCEAS data repository form
(, the
Veronique Connolly
02:16 PM Bug #2217: Change output text for Usage rights
Sid fixed it. Veronique Connolly
01:08 PM Bug #2217 (Resolved): Change output text for Usage rights
Under the "Usage Rights" field, when you select "Obtain permission from data set
owner(s)" the output (what appears ...
Veronique Connolly
01:56 PM Bug #2218: Data medium info not saved in editing mode
Sid fixed it. Veronique Connolly
01:26 PM Bug #2218 (Resolved): Data medium info not saved in editing mode
When you go back to the data registry form (this was for the NCEAS skin) after
getting a failure message (by using t...
Veronique Connolly
01:29 PM Bug #2219 (Resolved): EML document from Andrews LTER are modified by Metacat during insertion and converted into invalid EML
Below are the emails exchanged on metacat-dev describing this bug.
The bug is most probably in the SAX parser libr...
Saurabh Garg


04:08 PM Bug #2211 (Resolved): automatically insert pubDate on registry submission
We need to automatically insert pubDate on registry submission. The 'pubDate'
field represents the date that the res...
Callie Bowdish


05:00 PM Bug #1698: Secure replication method
Changing milestone to reflect its actual release in 1.6 Matt Jones
04:56 PM Bug #1236: enhancement to metacat: overall access controls
Changed milestone to properly reflect its release. Matt Jones
04:54 PM Bug #1238: postgresql JDBC config problem in metacat
Upgraded the driver to the Postgresql version 8 JDBC driver. Tested against
postgres 7.4 and still seems to work. M...
Matt Jones


03:20 PM Bug #2207 (Resolved): Advanced Search integration
Over the past year, the LTER Network Office has developed an Advanced Search web
application that uses the Metacat c...
Duane Costa


02:27 PM Bug #1698: Secure replication method
Add code to get user name and group in MetacatReplication class. Then check if
the user name is a admin when action i...
Jing Tao
01:57 PM Bug #2158: Metacat Performance on KNB: Bring the logging level down on ecoinfo.

Replacing debugMessage in metacat code with log4j methods for logging using the
following table:
Debug -- > 50
Saurabh Garg
01:21 PM Bug #1236: enhancement to metacat: overall access controls

Following access controls added in Metacat:
1. Administrators
2. User allowed to submit
3. User not allowed to subm...
Saurabh Garg


05:08 PM Bug #2168: Persisting delta-time replication setings in
In Option class in utilities module, a new method setOption was added. This
method can reset or add a property value ...
Jing Tao
04:09 PM Bug #2060: Documents not indexed because of error generated during indexing of documents

Moved the call to starting of indexing thread from endDocument to DocumentImpl
after commit has been done. ...
Saurabh Garg
02:23 PM Bug #2191: Functionality to specify who can and cannot use insert/update actions in Metacat

Saurabh Garg
09:42 AM Bug #2191 (Resolved): Functionality to specify who can and cannot use insert/update actions in Metacat
Modify Metacat to support allowed/denied submitters list. The metacat admin
should be able to specify in build.prop...
Saurabh Garg
08:32 AM Bug #2176: Moderator UI and functionality for ESA
I agree with all of the steps you outlined. However, the layout of the
moderation resultset was discussed as well. ...
Matt Jones


01:24 PM Bug #2152: Metacat Performace: Reduce size of xml_nodes table

This has been fixed. A new table is created in the Metacat schema where nodes
from old document revisions and delet...
Saurabh Garg
01:21 PM Bug #2082: Use of INSTR in SQL statements.

Saurabh Garg

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