From 08/31/2006 to 09/29/2006
- 02:21 PM Revision 3054 (metacat): Fixed geometry logic to swap north and south if n < s
- 10:04 AM Bug #2155: Metacat Performace: Rewrite the xml_nodes queries
Following query can be used to replace the first IN clause
select distinct a.docid, a.docname, a.doctype, a.date_cr...- 08:51 AM Bug #2155: Metacat Performace: Rewrite the xml_nodes queries
- Just changing the 'LIKE' operator to the '=' operator allows the optimizer to use indices if they exist. Unfortunate...
- 09:11 AM Bug #2557 (Resolved): Metacat Performace: Rewrite the xml_access part of the query
- The subpart of metacat search queries that does an access control check is inefficient. It first checks the user_owne...
- 08:40 AM Bug #1879: Metacat Performance: Summary
- The growth of Metacat's document store has eroded the performance gains we made previously. We are now back to havin...
- 01:13 AM Revision 3053 (metacat): Reverting to previous that uses 'LIKE' for comparisons. This
- allows substring matching to work properly, but prevents the postgres index
from being used. As a result, full table...
- 04:21 PM Revision 3052 (metacat): Modifications to the table definitions to add indices that should be used
- when searching the database. Added an upgrade script to create these
indices as well. Modified to use... - 10:08 AM Bug #192: create a dtd for result sets
- 10:08 AM Bug #192: create a dtd for result sets
- Closing because we do not intend to provide a resultset DTD -- we will be slowly moving to the more expressive and be...
- 08:27 AM Bug #2228: Use method other than metadata string filters for determining the organizations affiliationed with a data package
- (In reply to comment #2)
> Another possible solution is to specify an attribute in the organization tag
> which speci... - 07:21 AM Bug #2228: Use method other than metadata string filters for determining the organizations affiliationed with a data package
Another possible solution is to specify an attribute in the organization tag which specifies if the document belongs...- 08:12 AM Bug #1296: Registry: Need to login before the form is filled
This functionality is already implemented for ESA skin and should be extended to all the other skins. So these are m...- 08:01 AM Bug #2495: Charset bug: Internationalization
- The new relase has broken the code incorporated by the team of Mr. Chau Chin Lin. I have told them that they are welc...
- 07:31 AM Bug #2310: Advanced search functionality has to be integrated into various skins.
there is some advanced search capabilities in lter skin also. those are a potential candidate for advanced functiona...- 07:28 AM Bug #2229: Allowing web registry pull-down menu for "Station Name" to select multiple stations
This has been discussed before. We can have two drop down boxes with add and remove buttons in between. So the user ...- 06:55 AM Bug #2159: Metacat Performance: Divide xml_nodes based on the doctype
This approach might be worth considering but I think it will only give short term benefits if at all any benefits. T...- 06:50 AM Bug #2157: Metacat Performance: Optimize Postgres and Tomcat...
The current RAM specified for Tomat and Postgres in KNB:
Tomcat: 500 MB
Postgres: 760 MB
- 06:49 AM Bug #2155: Metacat Performace: Rewrite the xml_nodes queries
IN clause is not so efficient. I was able to improve performance by using outer joins instead of IN to improve perfo...- 06:40 AM Bug #1980: Duplication when displaying catalog of data packages
Not able to reproduce this bug. Might already be fixed.- 06:35 AM Bug #1674: Access control for eml-2.1.0 documents
- is a copy of and this is the file which needs to be modified. I think cod...
- 06:34 AM Bug #1601: Metacat will add default value for optional parameter into eml 2 document
We need to checkout the newer versions of Xerces and see if the newer version provides an option to avoid entering o...- 06:16 AM Bug #2380: returnfield system needs to implement more xpath
- If I understand the bug correctly, then this functionality is already present in
src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/QuerySpe... - 05:54 AM Bug #2153: Metacat Performace: Add/drop indices on key columns
For each of the queries, EXPLAIN needs to be done. I have noticed that for some of the queries, full table scan is b...- 05:50 AM Bug #1542: SQL Server support broken
Here are the files which need to be updated:
1. src/xmltables-sqlserver.sql
2. src/upgrade-db-to-1.2.sql
3. src/upgr...
- 04:49 PM Bug #2550: Dateline and polar handling for points
- revision 1.4 on SpatialDocument should fix this. Centroids are now calculated correctly for these cases.
- 04:47 PM Revision 3051 (metacat): fixed point centroid calculation to reflect bboxs that cross the dateline
- 04:45 PM Revision 3050 (metacat): fixed point centroid calculation to reflect bboxs that cross the dateline
- 01:01 PM Revision 3049 (metacat): Fixed up some hardcoded paths in html map templates.
- 12:07 PM Revision 3048 (metacat): Make spatial query more accurate by actually intersecting geometries in addition to a simple bbox filter. Important for testing intersection of irregular shaped objects or multi-geometries
- 11:21 AM Revision 3047 (metacat): Added docid override mechanism to DBQuery. Bypasses the queryspec.printSQL method and creates an optimized docid query in cases (like the spatial query) where you know the docids a priori
- 10:18 AM Revision 3046 (metacat): updated SpecNet Home link to
- 11:27 AM Bug #1232: cookie needs to be written after knb page login
The session information is not maintained by the skin for some reason. So the JSP part knows that is in session but ...- 11:24 AM Bug #129: Metacat Performance: paged Query Returns
The query will probably to be stored on per session basis. Maybe the docids found can be stored in a ordered data st...
- 05:09 PM Bug #2549: Limit spatial cache to public documents
- Changed severity to 'major' .. mostly because its already fixed and I don't like seeing bold red text in my bug list!
- 12:23 PM Bug #2549: Limit spatial cache to public documents
- Updated SpatialHarvester.queryAllDocids(). Now uses the xml_access table to generate a list of public-readable docids...
- 05:07 PM Bug #2553: squery needs to handle spatial query
- Oops that should be assigned to me. Sorry sid :-p
The performance issue discussed in the comments of bug 2552 shoul... - 05:03 PM Bug #2552: Spatial query class to use geotools against the spatial cache
- Added a edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.spatial.SpatialQuery class to handle this. Given a spatial query (4 bounding cooordina...
- 04:46 PM Revision 3045 (metacat): Updated spatial query to also look at point spatial cache as some documents may only be represented as a single point.
- 04:10 PM Revision 3044 (metacat): Rewrote spatial query handler to use geotools directly against the spatial cache.
- 12:33 PM Bug #2554 (Resolved): Store the spatial data cache outside servlet context
- Currently the spatial data cache is stored within the servlet context. Geoserver's configuration hardcodes the shapef...
- 12:24 PM Revision 3043 (metacat): Allow only public readable docs in the spatial cache
- 11:20 AM Revision 3042 (metacat): Remove geoserver error pages from web.xml and allow exceptions to pass through
- 05:13 PM Revision 3041 (metacat): Integrate map interface with knb2 skin
- 03:26 PM Bug #2553 (New): squery needs to handle spatial query
- The current metacat spatial query is based on simple comparison of the four bounding values which is slow and potenti...
- 03:22 PM Bug #2552 (Resolved): Spatial query class to use geotools against the spatial cache
- Currently the spatial query is run with a standard metacat squery. Besides being inefficient, it is also inaccurate s...
- 03:16 PM Bug #2551 (Resolved): Generalized spatial xpaths for mutliple schemas
- The spatial harvester is currently generic enough to handle any xml document with west,east,north and south xpaths. T...
- 03:08 PM Bug #2550 (Resolved): Dateline and polar handling for points
- Unfortunately for cartographers the world is not flat. When a feature crosses the dateline or the polar regions, the ...
- 03:02 PM Bug #2549 (Resolved): Limit spatial cache to public documents
- Until we implement a feasible wms feature filter ( bug 2548 ) we must only put publically readable documents in the s...
- 03:00 PM Bug #2548 (New): Architecture for filtering features from WMS requests
- Currently, all of the documents in the metacat database are stored in the spatial cache. When the web client requests...
- 02:43 PM Bug #2183: use metacat events to trigger spatial element creation
- .
- 02:42 PM Bug #2183: use metacat events to trigger spatial element creation
- Fixed. See bug 2499. Spatial harvesting refactored to provide this functionality
- 02:41 PM Bug #2179: Fix harvesting script to get all points and boxes
- See 2499. Mutiple coverages supported. Empty bounding coords are now recognized. Cases where bboxs cross the dateline...
- 02:39 PM Bug #2505: Spatial query errors with multiple geographic coverages
- See bug 2499. Refactoring of spatial harvesting process has this handled.
Instead of representing each document as a... - 02:37 PM Bug #2499: Port spatial harvesting script from C++ to java
- The spatial harvesting classes have been entirely refactored in order to provide the necessary functionality:
- mult... - 02:34 PM Bug #2437: Cleaner install for spatial components
- Geoserver now ships w/ metacat. It runs in the same servlet context and is an integrated part of the build process. T...
- 02:27 PM Bug #2184: Integrate into skins system
- Copying the template from the common dir to the skins directory is a viable option so we'll go with that for now.
- 02:22 PM Revision 3040 (metacat): Added javadoc comments for all new spatial classes. Optimized the title query in SpatialDocument.
- 12:58 PM Revision 3039 (metacat): Removed old spatial classes
- 07:15 PM Revision 3038 (metacat): Minor cartographic fixes to geoserver SLDs
- 07:10 PM Revision 3037 (metacat): Fixed polygon generator for cases where bbox crosses the dateline or the poles
- 06:34 PM Bug #2184: Integrate into skins system
- We'll likely want to have a few example templates, each self-contained in a single directory. To integrate it with an...
- 06:13 PM Revision 3036 (metacat): Fixed up mapbuilder config for knp skin
- 04:54 PM Revision 3035 (metacat): refactory java classes for spatial harvester
- 04:37 PM Revision 3034 (metacat): initial import of changes to metacat source and config files to support spatial option
- 04:22 PM Revision 3033 (metacat): inital import of html templates for web mapping
- 04:14 PM Revision 3032 (metacat): initial import of spatial libs, try2
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