



From 07/29/2008 to 08/27/2008


05:18 PM Bug #3059: EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
Migrated the properties contained in the skin.configs directory to the style/skins/* properties.
This can now be conf...
ben leinfelder
05:03 PM Bug #3059: EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
*** Bug 2981 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** ben leinfelder
12:17 PM Bug #3059: EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
Committed change in eml CVS. Not sure how it should be tagged for being pulled into Metacat (during build). My hunch... ben leinfelder
04:47 PM Revision 4327 (metacat): remove skin.configs directory.
migrate those properties to the style/skins/* properties files
do not load them during Metacat init.
ben leinfelder
03:19 PM Bug #3478 (Resolved): Cannot insert XML documents
During testing on, could not insert new test documents using the "dev" skin nor the ecogrid PutSer... ben leinfelder
02:44 PM Bug #3379: Test ecogrid in turnkey installation
Some issues that have already been resolved:
-removed extra file that was created for ecogrid duri...
ben leinfelder
02:26 PM Revision 4326 (metacat): Only use LSIDs for ESA skin. All others should only use shortform url.
see: ben leinfelder
10:18 AM Revision 4325 (metacat): honor casesensitive indicator for contained QueryTerms.
addresses bug: ben leinfelder
10:17 AM Bug #3472: Metacat casesensitive="true" option in pathquery expressions is broken
QueryGroup was ignoring casesensitivity of it's QueryTerms - fixed! ben leinfelder
08:58 AM Bug #3472: Metacat casesensitive="true" option in pathquery expressions is broken
i'll take a look at this for 1.9 - seems like a good thing to have working correctly for the next release ben leinfelder


05:37 PM Revision 4324 (metacat): change install ecogrid option to true by default
04:59 PM Bug #3462: Maps do not display in Firefox version 3
Predefined locations are now working in all the skins that use maps.
Turning layers on and off also works for the map...
ben leinfelder
04:10 PM Revision 4323 (metacat): Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
ben leinfelder
04:00 PM Revision 4322 (metacat): Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
ben leinfelder
03:31 PM Revision 4321 (metacat): Fix bug where skin configs don't read backup properties correctly for checkboxes.
02:55 PM Revision 4320 (metacat): Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
ben leinfelder
02:53 PM Revision 4319 (metacat): use correct detokenizer (CONTEXT_URL)
ben leinfelder
02:43 PM Revision 4318 (metacat): remove obsolete knp skin. this has been replaced by the sanparks skin.
ben leinfelder
02:37 PM Revision 4317 (metacat): Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
ben leinfelder
02:17 PM Revision 4316 (metacat): use nrs for search results skin name.
ben leinfelder
02:12 PM Revision 4315 (metacat): Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
ben leinfelder
02:11 PM Revision 4314 (metacat): use correct detokenizer (CONTEXT_URL)
ben leinfelder
12:14 PM Revision 4313 (metacat): Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
ben leinfelder
12:13 PM Revision 4312 (metacat): use correct detokenizer (CONTEXT_URL)
ben leinfelder
11:47 AM Revision 4311 (metacat): Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
ben leinfelder
11:41 AM Revision 4310 (metacat): [re]add predefined locations selection (using the drop down list).
with firebug disabled, I see so error messages. ben leinfelder
11:17 AM Bug #3059: EML citation section should include both organizationNames and individualNames
only display LSID for ESA skin. all other skins should not display LSIDs but should use the the short form URL to po... ben leinfelder
11:16 AM Bug #3474 (Resolved): Add full schema checking when metacat register new schema
Currently, when metacat register new schema, it doesn't check if the schema is valid or not. We need to check if the ... Jing Tao
10:13 AM Revision 4309 (metacat): add legend (layer selection checkboxes)
ben leinfelder
09:59 AM Bug #3381: Create unit test code for 1.9 additions
Created test case for PropertyService additions Michael Daigle


06:51 PM Bug #3462: Maps do not display in Firefox version 3
one more thing - the "old" way of doing the maps won't work now when running
from metacat's trunk
ben leinfelder
06:49 PM Bug #3462: Maps do not display in Firefox version 3
i've added the Map Builder 1.5rc2 code to metacat trunk and altered the SANParks skin's map to use the new approach. ... ben leinfelder
06:37 PM Revision 4308 (metacat): bring up to date with map builder 1.5rc2. core functionality (zoom, pan, dataset search) is present.
note that the predefined locations dropdown is missing from this implementation - hopefully will be working again soo... ben leinfelder
06:08 PM Revision 4307 (metacat): upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2 - includes support for Firefox 3 compatibility (yes, it is also EOLed)
ben leinfelder
10:44 AM Revision 4306 (metacat): match the "qualified" property name
ben leinfelder


04:48 PM Revision 4305 (metacat): make as-you-type search the default.
remove assessment vs. question search checkboxes...confusing. ben leinfelder
04:30 PM Revision 4304 (metacat): add to build
04:29 PM Revision 4303 (metacat): Add debug statements
04:28 PM Revision 4302 (metacat): Add more PropertyService tests
04:27 PM Revision 4301 (metacat): Convert class to extend MCTestCase. Add debug statements.
04:26 PM Revision 4300 (metacat): Make debug method static
04:26 PM Revision 4299 (metacat): Added methods to get session data, parameters and cookies from request
04:24 PM Revision 4298 (metacat): change session attribute reference from "groups" to "groupname"
04:23 PM Revision 4297 (metacat): Add comments. Added getPublicSession method
04:23 PM Revision 4296 (metacat): add session id to parameters
04:22 PM Revision 4295 (metacat): Get session information from RequestUtil. Change some variable names to camel case.
04:20 PM Revision 4294 (metacat): adjust hiding section format
04:19 PM Revision 4293 (metacat): reference admin.js
04:19 PM Revision 4292 (metacat): fix formatting by adding div closing tag
04:18 PM Revision 4291 (metacat): move test properties to the bottom
03:59 PM Revision 4290 (metacat): refactor search methods into common search.js file.
start on making ajax-based search from the index page.
state of things: now merging _across_ assessments and includin...
ben leinfelder
02:18 PM Revision 4289 (metacat): use the generalized (and now built-in) data query mechanism for downloading "merged" data.
ben leinfelder
02:16 PM Revision 4288 (metacat): refactor into reusable methods such that queries can be constructed from different form interfaces.
ben leinfelder


05:40 PM Revision 4286 (metacat): detokenize
ben leinfelder
02:04 PM Revision 4285 (metacat): Addition of sbclter skins to svn
11:36 AM Revision 4282 (metacat): fix the optional "include questions" checkbox so that it actually toggles the option.
ben leinfelder
10:52 AM Revision 4281 (metacat): added support for merging response data with question-level metadata
ben leinfelder


04:29 PM Revision 4280 (metacat): Bring the <skin>.properties file into sync with the old <skin>.cfg data. Modify metadata files so appropriate configuration information is shown for each skin.
04:27 PM Revision 4279 (metacat): Clean up some configuration form formatting
04:26 PM Revision 4278 (metacat): Remove sqlserver references. Add some help locations.
04:23 PM Revision 4277 (metacat): remove skins registry values from global config. These are now in skins specific properties files in the skins directories.
04:22 PM Revision 4276 (metacat): highlight in red that the user must configure the admin user appropriately
04:21 PM Revision 4275 (metacat): Add more properties documentation
04:20 PM Revision 4274 (metacat): Initial addition of apache/tomcat configuration files for ubuntu
02:42 PM Revision 4273 (metacat): only include checked metadata
ben leinfelder
11:02 AM Revision 4271 (metacat): detokenize
ben leinfelder


01:11 PM Bug #3472 (Resolved): Metacat casesensitive="true" option in pathquery expressions is broken
The 'casesensitive="true"' setting in Metacat pathquery expressions appears to be broken. All pathquery searches are ... Duane Costa


08:14 PM Revision 4269 (metacat): added features (metadata promotion)
ben leinfelder
08:13 PM Revision 4268 (metacat)
ben leinfelder
08:12 PM Revision 4267 (metacat): add dataquery construction via js.
used in the first XSL-housed style sheets ben leinfelder
02:52 PM Revision 4265 (metacat): Initial addition of tomcat startup script for tomcat 5.5 on ubuntu.
11:05 AM Revision 4258 (metacat): Replace tables with css


05:40 PM Revision 4251 (metacat): remove the metacatURL property file that was being moved to seek when building ecogrid - not needed now.
ben leinfelder
05:39 PM Revision 4250 (metacat): do not copy metacatURL property to seek when building ecogrid - not neeeded now.
ben leinfelder
04:16 PM Revision 4248 (metacat): default to "local" services by commenting out the KNB-specific ones
ben leinfelder
04:15 PM Revision 4247 (metacat): use "local" services when none are provided in the properties file
ben leinfelder
11:33 AM Revision 4246 (metacat): Add index section
11:14 AM Revision 4245 (metacat): use factory method for creating database connection pool
(stoopid subclipse!) ben leinfelder
11:11 AM Revision 4244 (metacat): use factory method for creating database connection pool
ben leinfelder
11:08 AM Revision 4243 (metacat): Update properties documentation
10:48 AM Revision 4242 (metacat): switch to jsp
ben leinfelder


04:57 PM Revision 4240 (metacat): move the intall-ldap and install-registry functionality into the warprepare target.
04:53 PM Revision 4239 (metacat): Add lter test accounts
04:31 PM Revision 4238 (metacat): de-tokenize (finally)
ben leinfelder
03:13 PM Revision 4236 (metacat): include property for running the install-skin target
ben leinfelder
03:09 PM Revision 4235 (metacat): render the pages using the common settings
ben leinfelder
01:48 PM Revision 4234 (metacat): switch to jsp (first of many steps...)
ben leinfelder
08:59 AM Revision 4231 (metacat): Convert properties to camel case


04:16 PM Revision 4226 (metacat): add ability to access protected data via the datamanager/dataquery feature.
Note: the datamanager features rely on the ecogrid stubs being available in Metacat. When Metacat is installed with ... ben leinfelder
04:08 PM Revision 4225 (metacat): updated datamanager with authentication
(ps: SVN hates me!) ben leinfelder
04:07 PM Revision 4224 (metacat): updated datamanager (with authentication)
ben leinfelder


04:44 PM Revision 4221 (metacat): add dataquery (from EML's Data Manager library) to the metacat servlet actions
ben leinfelder


04:24 PM Revision 4216 (metacat): Set default skin property values
04:24 PM Revision 4215 (metacat): Comment out skins registry properties
08:54 AM Revision 4214 (metacat): add application.tempDir


05:50 PM Revision 4213 (metacat): qualify xml and eml properties with an xml. prefix
05:33 PM Revision 4212 (metacat): Continue to qualify property names
05:32 PM Revision 4211 (metacat): qualify more propertynames
04:45 PM Revision 4210 (metacat): Exclude ClientViewHelperTest from unit tests to be run.
04:44 PM Revision 4209 (metacat): Initial addition of PropertyService test.
04:43 PM Revision 4208 (metacat): Change sitemapInterval property to be sitemap.interval. Add testing property
09:02 AM Bug #3377: Create ANT install target for developers
The dev-install target was created for developers that compiles and wars the code and installs it into the web applic... Michael Daigle
08:56 AM Bug #3376: Add DB upgrade/install functionality to java code
The database upgrade functionality was added. The page is managed by database-configuration.jsp and D... Michael Daigle
08:50 AM Bug #3374: Add authentication for configuration utility
Authentication added. The user must be logged in as an administrative user before they can configure metacat. The a... Michael Daigle
08:47 AM Bug #3375: Create a sorted properties utility
SortedProperties class was created in the utilities module. This class supports sorted properties that maintain comm... Michael Daigle
08:44 AM Bug #3373: Create skin specific configuration utility
Skins configuration was created. The control is in and the page is skins-configuration.jsp. Michael Daigle
08:42 AM Bug #3371: Modify confguration utility in metacat
Updated the configuration utility. Pages are in /lib/admin directory. Control classes for each configuration page a... Michael Daigle
08:41 AM Bug #3370: Merge token replacement code onto HEAD
Token replacement code merged on 7/6/08 Michael Daigle
08:38 AM Bug #3114: refactor skins to get organization list from metacat getOrganizations() function
The OrganizationUtil class reads all properties from that start with and uses the... Michael Daigle


05:34 PM Revision 4207 (metacat): Intial addition of geoserver utility file
05:22 PM Revision 4206 (metacat): Add a "bypassed" state for confguration sections.
05:21 PM Revision 4205 (metacat): Initial addition of geoserver administration class.
05:20 PM Revision 4204 (metacat): Initial addition of geoserver password configuration page
05:19 PM Revision 4203 (metacat): Separate the init function to pre-confiugured and post-configured methods. the initSecondHalf method allows for the intial configuration of metacat without a restart.
05:14 PM Revision 4202 (metacat): Remove commented lines
05:13 PM Revision 4201 (metacat): Add a post method
05:08 PM Revision 4200 (metacat): Remove the organization configuration stuff for the moment. Add geoserver configuration.
05:07 PM Revision 4199 (metacat): Move closing divs into jsp if statement
05:06 PM Revision 4198 (metacat): Add geoserver section. Remove organization section for now. Allow user to go directly to metacat after first configuration.
05:04 PM Revision 4197 (metacat): Add a cancel button
05:02 PM Revision 4196 (metacat): Remove the organization configuration stuff for the moment. Add geoserver configuration.
04:59 PM Revision 4195 (metacat): Add geoserver configuration values
04:58 PM Revision 4194 (metacat): Initial addition of file. Geoserver password configuration instructions
04:55 PM Revision 4193 (metacat): Remove token filtering from images


04:21 PM Bug #3258: Update packageId attributes to match Metacat Ids
updated the 33 docs that needed it ben leinfelder
02:49 PM Revision 4192 (metacat): redirect to KNB site for new account (unaffiliated) creation. per J Kruger's request
ben leinfelder


05:27 PM Revision 4191 (metacat): Refactor templates for recent properties changes, round 2
05:26 PM Revision 4190 (metacat): Allow script to be run from command line, more token changes including all path changes for URLs and directories.
05:13 PM Revision 4189 (metacat): use context url to get cgi url
10:57 AM Revision 4188 (metacat): Add database properties with new format
10:55 AM Revision 4187 (metacat): Add TODO comment
10:55 AM Revision 4186 (metacat): Reorder database properties
09:39 AM Revision 4185 (metacat): Change discoverTomcatDir to discoverDeployDir
09:38 AM Revision 4184 (metacat): Fix error where maxconnectionnumber was being read into maxconnectionage.


01:56 PM Revision 4183 (metacat): Create data and inline data directories
10:23 AM Revision 4182 (metacat): Consolidation of property names in register-dataset.cgi; returned runConfiguration to default true
10:19 AM Revision 4181 (metacat): Perl token changes as per meeting with Mike Daigle
10:14 AM Revision 4180 (metacat): remove help icon from organization names. Change metaCatProperty reference to orgProperty.


11:33 AM Revision 4179 (metacat): remove outdated filter properties
11:32 AM Revision 4178 (metacat): Fully qualify spatial and replication properties
11:31 AM Revision 4177 (metacat): add database.user property section
10:39 AM Bug #3367: Harvester stores passwords in clear text
I thought this was the case. We discussed using a private key to encrypt the password, as we're trying to tighten up... Matt Jones
09:44 AM Bug #3367: Harvester stores passwords in clear text
I believe the need for the user passwords in the database is for Harvester to interact with Metacat on the user's beh... Mark Servilla
10:31 AM Revision 4176 (metacat): Fix question mark help links

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