From 08/04/2009 to 09/02/2009
- 02:26 PM Bug #4356 (Resolved): knb website query result shows old version of a document
- >>>> Oliver Soong wrote:
>>>>> I dropped a note about this on IRC, and Matt suggested you two might
>>>>> be...
- 06:49 PM Bug #4307 (Resolved): Upgrade Geoserver to prevent Metacat crashes
- The shapefile building routine isn't releasing file handles it uses when building new shapefiles. This is causing pro...
- 03:38 PM Bug #4301: sessionid in the URL creates end-user difficulty
- Plus, the new RESTful URL style was created specifically to eliminate the problems with search engines ignorig the qu...
- 03:35 PM Bug #4301: sessionid in the URL creates end-user difficulty
- Oh, this is a small but frustrating UI enhancement thing that doesn't involve any of metacat's underlying functionali...
- 03:34 PM Bug #4301 (New): sessionid in the URL creates end-user difficulty
- Using a plain URL, one cannot access datasets that require authentication. Alternatively, a link of the form http://...
- 03:16 PM Bug #3217: Create simple tranformations to present permissions error messages in styled format
- It would be useful to have the error page for insufficient privileges also provide a login prompt so that one could i...
- 03:12 PM Bug #4283 (New): use HTMLUnit to do unit / integration tests on pages
- A number of issues we've had with both the Registry, skins display, and administrative configuration utility could be...
- 02:48 PM Bug #3885: KNB metacat replication error log file is empty
- Changed replication logging to use log4j rollingfileappender. Changed all replication logging to use this appender.
- 02:46 PM Bug #3510: reorganize classes into a more functional specific structure
- Created replication, shared and database directories and moved code into there.
- 02:45 PM Bug #3493: Add utilities module to fullclean/build
- This was added in 1.9.1
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