



From 07/01/2015 to 07/30/2015


03:10 PM Task #6827 (Closed): update SSL configuration directives
added directives to sample in metacat ben leinfelder
02:19 PM Task #6827: update SSL configuration directives
Probably useful:
Apache, Intermediate, HSTS unchec...
Nick Brand
02:10 PM Task #6827 (Closed): update SSL configuration directives
Metacat ships with the metacat-site-ssl file showing how to configure Metacat for SSL support, and references this do... Matt Jones


10:45 AM Bug #6796 (In Progress): Cannot register DOI for private object
Added re-registration code to MN v2.updateSystemMetadata() and v1/v2.systemMetadataChanged() methods. ben leinfelder
10:37 AM Bug #6796 (Closed): Cannot register DOI for private object
Looking through the KNB logs, I can see the EZID error when we attempted to register the DOI with metadata.
ben leinfelder


12:46 PM Support #6793: Update DOIs from KNB to redirect to view service
MetacatUI 1.7.0 will redirect to the associated metadata view for any given data pid. So managing the EZID registrati... Lauren Walker
12:00 PM Support #6793 (In Progress): Update DOIs from KNB to redirect to view service
In #6530 and #6440, we added features to update DOI registrations, but we still have many originally assigned DOIs th... Matt Jones

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