From 07/22/2016 to 08/20/2016
- 02:40 PM Bug #7083 (Closed): Metadata/data objects which have obsoletedBy field ignore the resource map index
- It was fixed in the d1_cn_index_processor component. I created a new 2.2.1 tag and built it on Jenkons. Please see:
... - 11:32 AM Support #7076 (Closed): Migrate metacat build to use EML git repo
- The code was merged to 2.7 branch. It worked well.
- 05:33 PM Support #7076: Migrate metacat build to use EML git repo
- I merged the code to the 2.7 branch. It works fine to me.
- 03:20 PM Task #7087 (Closed): Remove the support of Oracle on documentation
- They were removed on both the trunk and 2.7 branch.
- 03:19 PM Task #7087 (Closed): Remove the support of Oracle on documentation
- We dropped the support of oracle on 2.7.0. But we didn't remove it from documentation.
- 01:53 PM Bug #7086 (Resolved): External links in the registry should open in new tab
- 01:24 PM Bug #7084 (Closed): Metacat creates an Invalid Content-Disposition value for some filenames
- 11:27 AM Bug #7084 (In Progress): Metacat creates an Invalid Content-Disposition value for some filenames
- Adding the double quotes on the file name works great. The fix has been submitted to both the 2.7 branch and the trun...
- 04:35 PM Bug #7084 (Closed): Metacat creates an Invalid Content-Disposition value for some filenames
- Related to #2566, Metacat is now creating @Content-Disposition@ HTTP headers with filenames either found in an object...
- 02:17 PM Bug #7083 (Closed): Metadata/data objects which have obsoletedBy field ignore the resource map index
- Hi Bryce:
I looked at the index of the 16 objects and found 5 of them don't have the value of resource_map_urn:uui... - 12:07 PM Bug #7081: All links on the registry page should open up in a new tab
- And I just got another email this morning from a second highly frustrated user that didn't realize that navigating to...
- 11:47 AM Bug #7081 (Resolved): All links on the registry page should open up in a new tab
- We got feedback from a user recently who clicked on the CC license lnk in the registry, so the registry form was wipe...
- 07:59 PM Support #7076: Migrate metacat build to use EML git repo
- Commit r9874 provided a fix for this bug. Needs to be tested by other developers, and merged into other branches as ...
- 07:50 PM Support #7076 (Closed): Migrate metacat build to use EML git repo
- The EML source repository migrated to . Modify the Metacat build.xml to use git accordin...
- 11:44 AM Bug #7063 (Closed): Legacy Metacat "shortcut" url does not work if revision is omitted
- Committed change to trunk and 2.7 branch.
- 11:42 AM Bug #7063 (In Progress): Legacy Metacat "shortcut" url does not work if revision is omitted
- For an example, see help ticket here:
- 11:39 AM Bug #7063 (Closed): Legacy Metacat "shortcut" url does not work if revision is omitted
- There was an NCEAS help ticket where the UI appeared but was not able to render the data. Looks like our handling of ...
- 11:47 AM Bug #7062: Unable to login to admin interface intermittently, NullPointerException when fail
- full trace:
metacat 20160722-11:46:01: [ERROR]: AuthLdap.authenticate - NullPointerException while authenticating ... - 11:42 AM Bug #7062 (New): Unable to login to admin interface intermittently, NullPointerException when fail
- This has been happening for months. When I log into the Metacat admin panel /{context}/admin, I enter my LDAP credent...
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