



From 03/19/2017 to 04/17/2017


04:06 PM Revision 10225 (metacat): Disable indexing of 'prov_hasSources' field
Peter Slaughter
03:15 PM Revision 10224 (metacat): Fix problem with prov_hasSources not being indexed
Peter Slaughter
08:10 AM Bug #7182 (New): Allow partial package downloads when some of the objects are private
When you try to download a package that has at least one private object, you get a 401 - Unauthorized response. When ... Lauren Walker


04:41 PM Bug #7181 (New): Verify completeness of unit test MetacatRdfXmlSubprocessorTest
Verify that all prov relationships that are indexed via src/main/resources/application-context-prov-base.xml are insp... Peter Slaughter


03:05 PM Revision 10221 (metacat): Add check in iindex unit test for 'prov_hasDerivations' field
Peter Slaughter
02:31 PM Revision 10220 (metacat): Fix problem where 'prov_hasDerivations' field not being indexed (metacat issue 7176)
Peter Slaughter


04:33 PM Revision 10219 (metacat): Make sure it is same as branch 2.8 except the mdq stuff
Jing Tao
04:29 PM Revision 10218 (metacat): Still use syncFailed.getPid to get identifier in the syncFailed method.
Jing Tao


04:42 PM Revision 10217 (metacat): Fixed typos in the vairable name.
Jing Tao
04:36 PM Revision 10216 (metacat): In the synchronizationFailed method, use syncExcpetion.getIdentifier method to try before the obsoleted method getPid.
Jing Tao
04:24 PM Revision 10215 (metacat): Change the version to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
04:24 PM Revision 10214 (metacat): change the version to 2.9.0. Change the version of the d1_denpendency to 2.4.
Jing Tao
04:22 PM Revision 10213 (metacat): Change the version to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
04:22 PM Revision 10212 (metacat): Change the version to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
04:21 PM Revision 10211 (metacat): Change the version to 2.9.0. Change the version of the d1 dependency to 2.4.
Jing Tao
04:17 PM Revision 10210 (metacat): Modify version to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
04:14 PM Revision 10209 (metacat): Add the script to upgrade the db to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
02:34 PM Revision 10207 (metacat): Move a statement e.printStactTrace to the logMetacat.error method.
Jing Tao
09:51 AM Revision 10206 (metacat): Add the 'Collaborator' role to the list of roles in the EML Registry CGI.
refs Chris Jones
08:54 AM Revision 10205 (metacat): In the expandRightHolder method, we don't use the parameter count=-1 to query the cn. Now we use count=200 and will use the page query to query again if it is necessary.
Jing Tao


03:06 PM Revision 10202 (metacat): Add the debug statement.
Jing Tao
03:04 PM Revision 10201 (metacat): Add the debug statement.
Jing Tao


09:18 AM Bug #7178: MNodeService.getPackage() takes too long for large packages
If you can figure out how to reference files rather than copy them, I FULLY support that! I suppose the MN.getPackage... ben leinfelder
07:22 AM Bug #7178 (New): MNodeService.getPackage() takes too long for large packages
When users click on the @Download All@ button in MetacatUI, we call @MN.getPackage()@ to zip up the members, create H... Chris Jones


12:55 PM Revision 10200 (metacat): Remove extra <table> HTML element that was causing rendering issues with the enumerated domain template
Lauren Walker


04:12 PM Revision 10199 (metacat): Add the method name and line number in the statment.
Jing Tao
04:11 PM Revision 10198 (metacat): Add the method name and line number in the statement.
Jing Tao


06:30 PM Revision 10195 (metacat): Fix broken links in taxonomy section of registry guide
Bryce Mecum
12:23 PM Task #7177 (New): Ensure Metacat runs on Tomcat 8
I was working with on an installation of Metacat 2.8.1 and we could not get Metacat... ben leinfelder


03:09 PM Bug #7176 (Closed): Metacat-index RDF/XML subprocessor not populating prov_hasDerivations field
The package has one prov relationship ... Peter Slaughter
10:17 AM Revision 10194 (metacat): Fix a typo that was preventing dateTime attributes from rendering fully
Bryce Mecum


11:55 AM Bug #7174 (Resolved): register-dataset.cgi fails when string matching on line 5830
I tracked down the issue to an ASCII character in Alicia Cortéss name being set on the token_info hash. It is set via... Lauren Walker

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