



From 04/06/2017 to 05/05/2017


11:49 AM Revision 10245 (metacat): Define location of the AWS binary so the tool works under CRON.
Matt Jones


11:25 PM Revision 10244 (metacat): Modified backup script to improve efficiency.
Now, lists of metadata and data files that were last backed up is stored in the /var/metacat/metacat-backup folder, a... Matt Jones
02:23 PM Revision 10243 (metacat): Add the release note for the 2.8.2 version.
Jing Tao
02:11 PM Revision 10241 (metacat): The metacatui version was changed to 1.14.1
Jing Tao


04:41 PM Revision 10239 (metacat): Add the code to filter out the pids with white spaces in the query.
Jing Tao


05:47 PM Bug #7186 (Resolved): listObjects fails if there is pid with a white space in the list Jing Tao
05:46 PM Bug #7184 (Resolved): The count number is -1 when the expandRightsHolder method lists the subjects
Jing Tao
12:12 PM Bug #7185 (Resolved): EML SAX parser will not check if the user has the all permission on data objects (described by the eml object) when the parser is called by DataONE API
To the Metacat API, we still apply the checking. But to Dataone API, we don't. Jing Tao
12:11 PM Bug #7185 (Resolved): EML SAX parser will not check if the user has the all permission on data objects (described by the eml object) when the parser is called by DataONE API
In the old Metacat API, the data objects' access rules are controlled by the EML object which describes it. So when t... Jing Tao


03:45 PM Bug #7176 (Closed): Metacat-index RDF/XML subprocessor not populating prov_hasDerivations field
The query was modified and it worked. Jing Tao
03:41 PM Bug #7184 (Resolved): The count number is -1 when the expandRightsHolder method lists the subjects
Please see details on:
Jing Tao
03:39 PM Bug #7183 (Closed): CN V1/V2.archive implementation only allows CN and MN administrators to act
Jing Tao
03:39 PM Bug #7183 (Closed): CN V1/V2.archive implementation only allows CN and MN administrators to act
Please see details on:
Jing Tao


11:23 PM Revision 10237 (metacat): Add backup script to copy files to Amazon S3.
Matt Jones


03:10 PM Revision 10227 (metacat): Call the method TripleStoreService.destroy to delete the dataset.
Jing Tao


04:06 PM Revision 10225 (metacat): Disable indexing of 'prov_hasSources' field
Peter Slaughter
03:15 PM Revision 10224 (metacat): Fix problem with prov_hasSources not being indexed
Peter Slaughter
08:10 AM Bug #7182 (New): Allow partial package downloads when some of the objects are private
When you try to download a package that has at least one private object, you get a 401 - Unauthorized response. When ... Lauren Walker


04:41 PM Bug #7181 (New): Verify completeness of unit test MetacatRdfXmlSubprocessorTest
Verify that all prov relationships that are indexed via src/main/resources/application-context-prov-base.xml are insp... Peter Slaughter


03:05 PM Revision 10221 (metacat): Add check in iindex unit test for 'prov_hasDerivations' field
Peter Slaughter
02:31 PM Revision 10220 (metacat): Fix problem where 'prov_hasDerivations' field not being indexed (metacat issue 7176)
Peter Slaughter


04:33 PM Revision 10219 (metacat): Make sure it is same as branch 2.8 except the mdq stuff
Jing Tao
04:29 PM Revision 10218 (metacat): Still use syncFailed.getPid to get identifier in the syncFailed method.
Jing Tao


04:42 PM Revision 10217 (metacat): Fixed typos in the vairable name.
Jing Tao
04:36 PM Revision 10216 (metacat): In the synchronizationFailed method, use syncExcpetion.getIdentifier method to try before the obsoleted method getPid.
Jing Tao
04:24 PM Revision 10215 (metacat): Change the version to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
04:24 PM Revision 10214 (metacat): change the version to 2.9.0. Change the version of the d1_denpendency to 2.4.
Jing Tao
04:22 PM Revision 10213 (metacat): Change the version to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
04:22 PM Revision 10212 (metacat): Change the version to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
04:21 PM Revision 10211 (metacat): Change the version to 2.9.0. Change the version of the d1 dependency to 2.4.
Jing Tao
04:17 PM Revision 10210 (metacat): Modify version to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
04:14 PM Revision 10209 (metacat): Add the script to upgrade the db to 2.9.0
Jing Tao
02:34 PM Revision 10207 (metacat): Move a statement e.printStactTrace to the logMetacat.error method.
Jing Tao
09:51 AM Revision 10206 (metacat): Add the 'Collaborator' role to the list of roles in the EML Registry CGI.
refs Chris Jones
08:54 AM Revision 10205 (metacat): In the expandRightHolder method, we don't use the parameter count=-1 to query the cn. Now we use count=200 and will use the page query to query again if it is necessary.
Jing Tao

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