Replacing token for checkout of eml-2.0.1
Added tomcat5 in build.propertiesIn build.xml, fixed a bug from previous commit
Added code which checks out utilities from cvs. Modified distsrc to include utilities src also. Changed version from 1.4 to 1.5
Added code which creates the triggers for the new tables. This is for Oracle only.
Modified so that database upgrade script to version 1.5 is called based on which database the user is using.
Modify harvestListEditorDist target to create the Harvest List Editor distribution using naming conventions that are consistent with other KNB releases.
upgrade-db-1.5.sql will be written back from src to distribution src.
Add a new target to fix the bug in xml_catalog table.
Fixed a bug which systemid will always points to knb.
Add harvestListEditorDist target for building distributable versions of the Harvest List Editor tool.
adding token for name of the database being used
Added target and code for upgrading database to version 1.5
Fixed a bug in previous commit. Also removed ^M characters that were added in version 1.200
Integrating build.xml from webmdentry into metacat build file.
Modify property values of harvester registration servlets to match the servlet-mapping URL values in web.xml. The old values used the servlet class names. This worked in Tomcat 4 but seems to break in Tomcat 5 on Windows. The new values use the servlet-mapping URL values. This should work in both Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5.
Modified build dist and distsrc targets to be sure the ant tokens arefiltered correctly in the documentation, otherwise the CSS styles do notshow up properly.
Modified the build to be smarter about making sure that the EML schemasand styles are in place (so manually running 'geteml' should no longerbe needed), and renamed the 'loaddtdschemas' target to 'register-schemas'.Reorganized and clarified installation instructions to make the order of...
Moved deletion of stylsheets from clean to fullclean target so that thestyles will be guaranteed to be in place in the released version even aftera clean build.
Added classpath to javadoc call so that we avoid javadoc errors thatcomplain about not being able to find the servlet classes.
Added dependency check for eml so that the schemas and dtds are notchecked out of CVS if they already exist in the lib directory. This isbased on checking for the key schema or dtd file from the 2.0.0beta6,2.0.0, and 2.0.1 releases, so if you've messed with this directory in...
Added dependency check to see if the httpclient.jar and utilities.jar arealready present in lib. If they are, building utilities is skipped. Thisallows us to ship a distribution with just the jar files rather than thesource from the utilities module and still have the compile work. Now...
Added a property listing servlet administrators.
Add properties and filters for harvester registration servlets
corrected wrong variable names in build file.
Updated build.xml to use new sql scripts.
Updated tag names to be checked out of CVS for EML
Changes directory names and paths of eml checkouts. Added eml-2.0.1 to the eml versions to be checked out.
Replaced EML2.0.0 checkout tag from EML_2_0_0_FOR_METACAT to EML_2_0_0_FOR_METACAT_WITH_BUGFIX
Added images to install-skin target.
Change the systemidserver to http://{httpserver}.
Add eml200 and eml210 namespace here.
Remove Harvester code from compile and jar targets.Add testharvester target for independently testing Harvester code.
Remove copy of schema file from harvester target
Add install-sql property for MS SQL ServerAdd copy task to harvester target
Updated build.xml to add targets for doing the 1.4 database sql upgrades.Also note I made it work with both oracle and sql, and note that the MSSQL Server sql scripts seem to be lacking -- some are missing. Need toresolve this before release.
Changes to harvester targets
Made changes so that *.gif and *.png are copied without filtering.
Debug level was changed and a few extra lines were added in last commit.Restored those to previous values.
Added target for installing skins. Target name is install-skin. It is dependent on init. It take skin name as input from user, creates a directory in skins directory and copies files to that directory.
In test client package, get rid of HttpClient in parameter. Because, http client has cookies and we couldn't test session id.
In order to use tomcat five, a couple of changes in web.xml need to take place.I'm adding in web.xml.tomcat5 as a choice with the changes.
Changing version in build in preparation for a release.
Removed obsolete SRB support files that are no longer used.
Build changes that allow the registry install dependency on the beta6 stylesheet converters to be automatically satisfied. Now, if thewebmdentry module hasn't been checked out, it is, but otherwise thecheckout is skipped. A similar technique could be used for the EML...
New build system that creates a war file and deploys it to tomcat. Alsoupdated the web.xml files so that a better servlet path is used. Now, bydefault, the servlet path will be: /knb/metacat (as opposed to theprior servlet path which was /knb/servlet/metacat and depended on the...
Moved the file from the jar file to now be located inthe tomcat context directory in WEB-INF. Now the metacat configuration iseditable in place. This change depends on a new class in theutilities module, so be sure you do a "clean" build in metacat so that you...
Add harvester targets
added conditional setting of tomcat servlet.jar path, based on tomcat version in build properties
overhaul of ant build file. removed duplicate code for getting dtds and schema. Renamed these targets, pulled all code for copying xsl into a single target (still need separate targets for getting beta6 eml files nad eml2+ files, since older version uses dtds instead of schema.) In future, as eml versions are added, the geteml2+ target shoudl be updated to use the ant iterator class found in the utilities module - this would enable the cvs tags to be defined as a comma-delimited list, and then a common target can be called multile times to do the checkouts, instead of duplicating code. Also added description= attributes to all the targets that looked as if they shoudl be public. These now appear (with their descriptions) when the user types ant -projecthelp
changed getdtdschema tarhet to copy eml css to cvs source tree metacat/lib/style/common directory, same as the copy for the XSL stylesheets. Created new ant parameter to hold value of path lib/style/common.
changed knb skin index page to forward to knb site and include any user params in url. changed resultset.xsl so qformat is handled properly in posts. changed build file to copy default.css from eml checkout to style/common so other skin-specific css can import it if reqd
added line to installCommon target that copies the metacat-client.jar to the WEB-INF/lib directory
This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESIGN_BRANCH back into the head.The only files that have been removed are those in lib/style/eml2; other filesthat have been cvs removed (only from lib/ and lib/style) have been re-addedelsewhere (i.e. moved from one directory to another)....
Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understandable names, updated thebuild file to include some new targets for running these files, andupdated the installation docs to clarify which upgrade scripts need tobe run and when.
Add the code copy jdbc file to web-info/lib dir. Because the oracle jdbc.jar is not in our lib dir.
Streamlined installation of jars in build file.
Modified metacat to now provide the session identifier in the responsexml message when a login is called. This has not been fully tested.I removed the HttpMessage class from metacat in favor of using the versionof that class that is found in the utilities module. This may cause some...
Fixed a bug for creating grid service.
Delete some duplicate lines.
Separte compiling client src file from Metacat basic installation.
change the destdir from build.src to build.dest in compileinterface target.
Get rid of stringclient compilation when install metacat.
Add a new target to test application for metacat web service.
Add new target to create gar file for web service.
Remove one varible - itis for itislib.jar
Add a new user and passwd for another user who doesn't have permssion try to read, delete, update xml files.
Updated build file to build utilities more reliably.
New test code for metacat client. Auto-generate id. Query and read fromthe inserted document. Still having some problems with the tests.
Implemented the "insert()" method and wrote a test to test it. The new testdepends on the property "newdocid" be set to something unique in the build.xmlfile so that the insert will work properly. Probably need to fix this to besome kind of autoincrement counter or random number so that it can be run...
Wrote the login() function, the first of the series of API calls forthe metacat client to be implemented. Also wrote a test class totest the API functionality.
Added a new subpackage (edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.client) which is a clientaccess library for the metacat. There is an interface ( thatprovides simple access methods for the main metacat functions. This is tosupport clients like Morpho and others that want to programatically access...
Change the code for getdtd getschema and getdtdschema. Eml module will be check out to build/tmp rather than build/src. Otherwise it will cause problem in knbweb install.
Change tomcat version from 3 to 4. So it will consistent with server.jar file location.
Because MS SQL server has 3 jar files for JDBC, so revised build.xml.
add some new variables for JDBC in MSSQL.
Add new target for sql server.
Add a new property of tomcat version. This one will control which web.xml file will be copied to installation directory.
Add a getschema dependcy to target dist.
Change eml2 tag to STMML_SCHEMA_UPDATE.
Add new parameter stmmlnamespace.
changes to make session management between monarch and metacat work.
Revise some templates and in build file, when we compile, it would include harvest.
Add new target getdtdschema and get rid of htttpclient.
Add httpclient.jar into cpath.
Change dtdsql target to dtdshemasql.
Add variable replication error log file.
Add a variable for itislib.
Add a new target schemasql. It will register eml2 namesapce into xml_catalog.
added a prefix to the debug statements. the default is the build name property. The prefix can be set in the build.xml file. the property name is 'debugprefix'
move cvs-root to easily be edited.
added target to clean the servlet install directory
Add a new project name runonetest. It can run single junit test. The class name can be passed to build.xml. The syntax is: ant -Dtesttorun=className runonetest
Add a default content type for data file.
Add eml.jar into class path and copy eml.jar and configxml.jar into web-info/lib
Fixed a error in getdtd
Add a target name getschema.
Add a new property inlinedatafilepath in order to store inline data.
fixed bug with copying images in the build file
Change xerces.jar to xercesImpl.jar