Add a test method to the method to get head version of a sid.
Change the test method base on the change of throwing a new sql exception on the getLocalId method.
Add a test method to test the method determining if there is a delete event for the given id.
add support for v2 DataONE API.
handle login/logout when testing using metacat client (recent refactoring to use more standard http client code)
remove dependency on HttpMessage that was in the utilities project but is now removed in favor of newer (standard) http client library code.
switch to use FIleUpload instead of O'Reilly COS library for handling chunked file uploads.
Add the test class for the pisco account.
Remove the test method for the pisco account since it maybe fails because of the fire wall issue.
Add the login test of the pisco account.
Change the password.
add test for invalid dryad content -- should be rejected because it is not schema valid.
clean up dryad test doc - only use D1 api.
test for inserting dryad instance doc.
initial basic test of inserting dryad metadata. NOTE: uses metacat api, not dataone api.
Add a method to test an alias account in the ldap server.
Reviewed code for all uses of FileInputStream, checking to see if the method should be closing the stream, and if so, closing it in the method as well as in the finally clause to ensure we don't leak file descriptors.
Refer to metacat.war deployments since those are now the default.
check both previous and current data revisions when updating packages.
do not use a URL that could resolve when testing the Metacat inaccessible exception.
use shared metacatContextDir variable for calls to Harvester.loadProperties(metacatContextDir);
add Metacat servlet action to force the reindexing of one or more or all pids in the system.
move DocInfo parsing into utilities project so that it can be used by Morpho as well as Metacat.
include identifier.guid in the test SQL clause.
simplify the xml_access query, and instead use guid to check for permission. Now the docid/rev join (to get most recent version for search results) happens "higher up" in the query.
test for running concurrent Metacat queries to mimic Kepler data search.
no not record EML access rules that use the "denyFirst" permOrder.
defer to super class member variables
adjust after refactoring tests that use EML queries
query for deleted metadata when testing that replication communicated the deletion. to check data, we try to update the data object on the target node (which should fail)
prepared statement toString() does not include quotes (') around the inserted values -- now the test reflects this.
Metacat now keeps track of permissions on a per-version basis -- the test reflects this change in behavior.
refactor Metacat access handling to be on a per-revision basis so that it more closely aligns with the DataONE approach
update test to reflect newer change:handle queries with predicates correctly.when docids are used in the return field look up, we need to make sure they are included in the values in the correct order for their corresponding parameter place holders (?)
Add new test method to test getAccessControl.
use IOUtils for testing read/write of XML strings. This goes along with the utilities project change to use the same apache commons IO library. Be sure to clean the utilities checkout in order to catch the right utilities svn tag when building!
uses prepared statement parameter binding for queries
add User-Agent logging to support D1 requirements
remove CrudServiceTest reference in main Metacat test (about to remove from svn)
merge changes from 1.9.5 branch that read site docs from SVN not a defunct LTER server
do not use pisco for referral testing (merge from 1.9.5)
merge 1.9.5 changes to trunk (delete now preserves access rules and docs can be read after deletion)
Get username and password from a property file.
handle timed replication of system metadata. there are still a few outstanding issues: -track server location of system metadata-only entries-replication policy flag for system metadata-only entries?-locking for replicated entries?-forced replication of entries
-remove system metadata guid -> local id mapping (there is no document for system metadata now)-include system metadata elements when replicating data objects (TODO: transfer all system metadata structures with the docinfo request).TODO: remove docid+rev from the systemMetadata table definition
Commenting out these MetacatRestClient tests because the Metacat RestService is no longer registered as a servlet and needs to be removed, along with the associated MetacatRestClient and tests.
Fixed MetaCatServletTest test failures by removing the hardcoded username/passwords used in the tests and replacing those with data from
Fix AuthLdapTest to use accounts that are more reliable when searching for existing accounts in the getPrincipals output.
removed newline addition to test doc now that the newline problem is fixed in utilities project. Small adjustments to comments and debug statements to aid in debugging. Reordered tests to remove possible insertion between read and getLastDocid test.
Make this class be the subclass of the MCTestCase. The super class will initialize the property service for it.
commenting out the pisco user tests, since they only work in production.
put in more explanatory exception methods in the private helper functions that throw exceptions, and some debug statements in the onlineData201CasesTest_1 test.
Due to changes in MetacatHandler that creates system metadata from uploaded EML documents, OnlineDataAccessTest was failing certain tests because of errors in how the test documents were originally uploaded. MetacatHandler.createSystemMetadata() was throwing exceptions because of these errors, specifically when a data document is uploaded with a docid that is difeerent than the docid statement in the EML distribution URL. Most errors involved stated docids with .2 versions, and the metadata had .1 versions....
Fixed the testNCEASLogin() password that I mistakenly changed.
Now that MetacatHandler creates GUID identifier mappings and system metadata, many of the tests in IdentifierManagerTest were failing that were manually creating id mappings and system metadata. Modified testCreateMapping() and testCreateSystemMetadataMapping() to use docids that haven't been inserted to just exercise the methods....
Added a new test method testDeleteDocumentByGUID() to ensure MetacatHandler can delete based on GUID, but fall back to docid if the GUID isn't present. Modified CrudServiceTest and made some private methods public to leverage the D1 REST calls in that library (i.e. create() a doc with a GUID).
Add a method to test download a schema with included schemas.
Add a test file for XMLSchemaServcieTest.
Add a junit test file for testing the XMLSchemaParser class.
use more unique scope (document id prefix) so that getlastdocid runs successfully. use superclass generateDocumentId() method
adding fields for additional system metadata info
create another test for various i18n features including eml 2.1.1
uncomment the other test cases and make sure we do the clean up when the tests are complete (delete the uploaded documents)
use detected XML encoding when reading/writing filesuse UTF-8 as default when performing queries in the DB (assume DB is using UTF-8)remove as many PrintWriters (uses system default character encoding only) as possible and construct OutputStreamWriters where explicit encoding can be given....
fix for paths with semi-colons or other 'reserved' characters in them for D1 rest services
correct the prolog
add XmlStreamReader test for determining encoding
found a failure when using an InputStreamReader without an encoding
a test to explore character encoding with utf8 chars
support EML 2.1.1
include anonymous parameter when getting report
add support for EML 2.1.1
merging changes from branch
merging test changes into the trunk
fixed identifier manager problem with getting guid for systememtadaa doc
fixed bug in access control where the sessionid was not correctly passed along so changes of privileges were not being made
working on a function to create dataone system metadata docs for legacy metacat objects that do not have SM.
removed CrudService dependency on servlet params. CrudService is now a singleton. I'm getting an error from metacat saying it can't find teh systemmetadata schema, even though it is, in fact, registered with metacat. need to identify why this is happening.
added a test for CrudService and added tests for IdentifierManager for each method
Add a debug statement to show existing doc id
Refactored putObject method to separate the create() and update() portions in order to match the method signatures needed for DataONE.
Modified ResourceHandler.deleteObject() to take a globally unique id (guid)as input rather than a metacat-conformant docid. The guid is translatedinto a metacat docid which is then used in the handleDelete() call. So nowMetacat supports use of arbitrary identifiers for delete operations, but...
Added support to ResourceHandler to allow the putObject method to usearbitrary guid strings as input. These strings are examined, and if theymatch the Metacat docid format (, they are used directly. Ifthe id is a string in another format, a new localId is generated based on...
Updated MetacatRestClientTest so that the tests are actually calling fail() when errors occur, and fixed all sixteen tests so that they run successfullyand can be run from any client (i.e., they don't depend on particulardocuments being present in Metacat). The 'restfiles' directory can probably ...
Added initial support for arbitrary string identifiers in metacat (referred to as a guid). The new identifier table is used to map arbitrary string identifiers to Metacat's current docid format (referred to as the localId). Added a new IdentifierManager class to manage this table, adding new mappings as objects are added to the system. Modified the MetacatTest service to utilize this mapping table to look up a localId from a guid. IdentiferManagerTest is working with these guids now, as is the MetacatTest service get() method, but other parts of the system are unaware of them (e.g., create, update, delete operations are unaware, and no mapping is created when new documents are created). As a consequence, the MetacatRestClientTest is not working (although it also had lots of hardcoded dependencies that need to be fixed as well).
Merging in REST interface implementation that was created by Serhan Akin. Main change isa refactored class, in which all of the handle* methods were movedinto a separate class. This allows both the standard MetaCatServlet...
add delay in insertSpatialDocs test to avoid buildIndex conflict
Fix errors in workflow scheduler unit test
Beef up comments
Add access api test and supporting files
handle ben's change to the metacat client read api because it returns inputstream now
Change location of PropertyService to properties directory
Change MetaCatVersion to MetacatVersion
Fix references to db classes that were moved and refactoring missed.
Remove unneeded exception handling
Implement fix for Bug #4245: Harvester command line scripts don't execute.
Handle UtilException
Remove initialization of MetacatUtil.buildIndexPaths in test files. This is taken care of in the background now using SystemUtil.getIndexPaths()
The test was failing because it was reading the sitemap file into a buffer and the limit was being reached. Used the FileUtil string reader to get the file.
Create a propertyService.getTestInstance method to facilitate unit tests