extract check.echo.funder.1 output value for the "funder" index field
Add the code to handle the merge-needed fields having multiple pairs.
During index merging process, if a field is a system metadata field and current document doesn't have the field, we don't need to merge it from the existing solr document.
Change the id since the original one doesn't exist in the group anymore.
Add junit test methods for testing circular obsoletes/obsoletedBy chain in the mn.updateSystemmetadata method.
Add methods to check if there are circular obsoletes/obsoletedBy chains in the mn.updateSystemmetadata method.
Don't share the same executor in the two classes.
Call the cn.synchronize method asynchronously in the mn.updateSystemmetadata method.
Add the version information on a log statement.
Add the version information in a log statement.
Add servlet mappings for d1 base url.
re-include mdq context file after merge
include mdq composite score
remove root node in xpath (for some reason this wasn't working on mn-demo-8 but was locally).
Change the test since we added a new schema field.
Add new hash code of the solr schema after we added a new field prov_generated.
Add the class to upgrade the solr schema.
Add a script to upgrade the db to 2.8.1
Change the version to 2.8.1
Increase the version to 2.8.1
Increase it to 2.8.1
Add the a new field prov_generated which will be used in the provenance subprocessor.
Merge the code for rdfxml subprocessor from d1_cn_index_processor to metacat.
include v1 in the run mdq formatId
Add the prefix "prov_" the solr fields.
adjust color-based score calculations to match UI and add up to total result count
add indexing for scores based on successful checks by check.type
use dateConverter for run timestamp indexing
include initial MDQ run processing in metacat-index
Use a new class to overwrite the class RdfXmlSubprocessor in d1-processor since that one has a method to use solr http server directly.
merge changes from d1 indexing lib
Continue work on ISO XSLTs
- We now have a template for CI_Citation- I moved some templates into separate XSLTs- Cleaned up overally structure/styling of translated output
Include the files that were totally supposed to go in the last commit
Continue work in ISO XSLT
- Tweak how extents are displayed- Start adding support for GML Polygons- Restructure EX module templates and clean them up a bit
Continue work on ISO XSLT
- Cleans up the root element to better match what we want in the end (looks like the EML XSLT)- Switches a lot of calls to call-template over to apply-templates. I think this is a good idea because the ISO standards use XSD type equivalence to extend existing schemas. e.g., gmx:Anchors can show up when the gmd schema says only a gco:CharacterString should go there...
Add a smart test when we set the file name for the header of "content-deposition":When the id doesn't end with the file extention, we set the file to be id+extension.
To set the content-deposition header, the cn will look the file name in the system metadata first.
Improve output of ISO XSLT
Hook ISO XSLT into view service
Fix issue in getDefaultReplicationPolicy.
Previously, under some circumstances, a ReplicationPolicy was created but was missing the optional replicationAllowed and numReplicas attributes. These are critical to the policy, so ensure they are set to sensible defaults even when property parsing errors and other issues might skip them. Added a test of this method, but I note that other methods in SystemMetadataFactory do not have unit tests and should be added if they are modified.
Create first basic version of ISO 19115 XSL stylesheets
Add code to testArchive, testSetAccessPolicy, testSetOwner and testSetReplicationPolicy on objects whose authoritative member node is v1 or v2 MNRead.
use "PLACEHOLDER" for annotation target rather than the actual attribute name value (for manual annotations added from spreadsheet).
Use the "MNRead" to replace "MNStorage" to determine the version of the MN.
Change MetacatUI version to 1.12.3
Use MetacatUI 1.12.2
Since the datamanger and utilites are not very active, we can use the stable release even though in the trunk.
Change an exception to more appropriate exception.
Add more checks to avoid a null exception.
Add more debug statement for deleting.
Add the release note for 2.8.0
Add a test method to test different users if they can update system metadata.
Add some information about pid on the log statement.
Use an eml tag to download the xsl file.
Change the solr core to 3.6.2
Change the solr-core to 3.6.2.
Change the ldapweb.cgi script to use an additional property called email.contact which provides a contat email (particularly when email.sender is set to noreply@...). Update the skin configurations with this property, as well as the metacat.properties default.
Add a comment.
Removing xml_access table records now is in the removing the pid from hazelcast. So remove the dupicated code.
Check if the object and sysmeta are null before to get the inputstream object.
Clear the code for the method handleInsertOrUpdate.
The deleteSystemmetadata method will delete the records on xml_access as well.
Restore the testRightsHolderExpand method on the D1NodeServiceTest.
The D1NodeServiceTest will be included in the test, but any of internal classess will be excluded.
Move the method testing to expand rights holder to CnodeServiceTest.
Add the identifier information in the exception when users try to change the access section but they don't have all permission.
Add the guid information in the sax exception when users try to update the access part but they don't have all permission.
Expand the rights holder if it is a group.
Add the junit test code to test the method expanding the rights holder as a group.
Add the code to expand the rights holder if it is a group.
Add the update script for db 2.7.2
Since ecogrid is checked out in the build directory, we don't need a condition for checking out.
Move some properies which are often configured to the beginging of the file.
Add a new feature on the 2.7.2 release note.
Add the method PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch to monitor the change on log4j.properties file.
Add more log information.
Add a note to notify users that the reindex action is asynchronized.
Add more notes for 2.7.2 release.
Made the class implements the interface LexicalHandler.
Add code to check if a dtd is registered when the parser processes the dtd part.
Fixed a bug that the public id can't be assigned.
Change the debug level from debug to trace.
Since we disable the schema downloading feature, this test doesn't work anymore.
Add more test cases.
Change some debug statments from debug to trace.
Down the debug level from debug to trace.
Removed a unused parameter - formatId from method writeReplication.
Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemalLocation and refactory the code.
Add the code to handle the exception which is throwed when the local schema can't be found for a given namespace or format id.
Add the code to throw an exception to tell users that the namespace or format id was not registered in Metacat.
Add the test methods for methods which can figure out the schema location.
Add the methods to figure out the schema location base on namespace, format id or no-namespace-schema-location uri.
Add a new constant for no-namespace schemas.
Add a method to get the type.
Add a method to get the type of the schema.