Change the test file according to the change on the constructor.
Change to use AuthFile constructor.
Add code to check if groups is null.
Sync access policy between mn -> cn in case where metacat native ui being used to update ap on mn
Change the base directory location.
Consolidate the user/group utitlities code.
Change the element name in the user from "group" to "memberof".Fixed a bug that in groupadd.
Add methods to handle modify user's attributes.
Complete the method - handleUseradd.
Add code to handle useradd command.
Fixed a bug that showing illegal options in the groupadd command.
Add a double quotes at $@. This will make the any argument in the double quotes as one argument.
Pass all arguments to the java class.
Add a main method which will be used in the command line users management tool.
Add a script to help administor to manage usrs/groups.
Made changes according the changes in the AuthFile class.
Add the code to handle the organization name.
Add the test method for the getUserInfo method.
Add the getUserInfo method.
Add the common name, organization name and email into the getprincipal method.
Add some contants.
Add the description in the getGroups methods.
Modified the junit test file according to the change in the class.
Add the common name and email address information into the getUsers method.
Resampled the background image for the admin docs for a faster page load
Fixed a bug that the method addUser didn't set password.
Add a new property to specify the hash class which will be used to protect the password.
Add the dependcy on JBcrypt module.
Change the test file according to the change made in the class.
Change the code to use BCryptHash to protect password.
Unify solr indexing with an IndexTask that is added to the queue -- allows us to send more than just the systemMetadata to the indexer. Initially this is for READ event counts for each document.
Add code to get user info and group info for an alias.
Change MetacatUI version to 1.4.2
Add the code to handle the login action if it is an alias.
Add the methods to get the aliased dn through non-tls or tls.
Add a method to get the aliasedDn.
move metacat trunk to 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
On changes to system metadata in CNodeService and DocumentImpl, increment the serialVersion.
(task #6297): sync pid(s) access policy between member node and coordinating node
Change CNodeService's archive() and delete() methods to only update Member Nodes in the replica list (not CNs!), since calling CN.archive() again would cause an infinite loop. Thanks for catching this Ben.
merge readme notes from 2.3.1
Update CNodeService.delete() and .archive() to handle situations where the pid is of formatType DATA, and therefore are not registered in the identifier table, and caused NotFound exceptions. For DATA objects, we just update the system metadata now, and for all other objects (METADATA, RESOURCE), we continue to use super.{delete()|archive()}. Also, log the delete/archive into the event log....
prep for 2.3.1 release
Remove the broadcastSystemMetadataChange() method since it was a duplicate of notifyReplicaNodes(). Consolidated now.
Add some log information.
retrieve the given file names (entityName) of the data files from the EML and use those for our file names in the BagIt content.
Change the BagIt file names to the pid+resource type. Create new Files instead of createTempFile to avoid the randomly generated numbers in the name.
Change the addGroup method since the API was changed.
Add a description element for the group.
Change the user id from the name to the uid.
Add the test method for the getPrincipals.
Add the method to get the principals.
Add test methods for changing passwords.
Add the methods about reset and change password.
Add method to test the getusers method.
Add method to get groups and users.
Read the password from property file.
Add a property as the password for generating keys.
Encrypt the password.
Add a test method to test authentication.
Add an test method for adding a user.
Fixed an issue to check if an account exists.
Add a junit test for the AuthFile
Add a file based authentication mechanism.
Add a property to specify the authen file path.
Add a depency on the commons-jxpath.
when a user reset the password, we search the user to use the base=o=org,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org and filter is uid=username.
Add the code to set the replication status when some exceptions happen.
Add the code to check if the stored the uidnext is a number or not.
Fixed a bug that a debug message is incorrect.
Add the missed the attriubtes such as uidNumber, gidNumber and et al.
Get the some properties from the file.
Add some new properties for getting the next avaliable uid.
Add a new method to get the next avaliable uid.
Remove the file since we rename it.
Use the new ldap certicate name.
Use the new name of the ldap ca certicate.
Rename the ca certificate file.
When start tls, the verify was changed to "require" rather than "none".
Add a new property to sepcify the ldap ca cert location.
Include the ldap-dev ca cert in the war file.
Add the ldap-dev ca certificate.
Change the default value of context name to be identity.
Use the identity.war to replace the account.war.
point users to the geoserver admin page deployed in the separate geoserver webapp (thanks, TFRI!)
add indices for access log performance during upgrade to 2.3.0.
use https for imports so they can load in https deployments.
Use ";" rather than "," to separate the organization names.
add ou=Account to the default
set the page title without always using "Data" in the name - rely on the values to drive that in the template.
show recaptcha on load without user having to click. works in both metacatUI and in traditional server-side skin (cfg=account)
do not use bullets in ul.
include header/footer code in the ldap templates for the account skin.
bring identity management more in line with the current nceas look and feel
make account index.html more dynamic for our typical installations. May still require a context configuration value to be manually specified, but at least the default will work and we don't need to hardcode a hostname.
Change the mime type to text/xml.
Add the nceas' logo here.
Add nceas's logo.
Use java script in the index.html to create the page. So the account skin doesn't involve any java classes.
Use the special web.xml to build the account.war.