


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  docs 2455 almost 20 years Matt Jones Updated install instructions with IPv6 instruct...
  lib 2454 almost 20 years sgarg Changed "NCEAS Data Registry" to "NCEAS Data Re...
  src 2459 almost 20 years Chris Jones When a path expression includes element content...
  test 2451 almost 20 years sgarg Removed unwanted code.
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 7.46 KB 2441 almost 20 years Matt Jones Fixed typo. 1.89 KB 2308 over 20 years Matt Jones Added a property listing servlet administrators. 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 50.7 KB 2445 almost 20 years sgarg *** empty log message ***

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2459 04/06/2005 02:23 AM Chris Jones

When a path expression includes element content and attribute content, then
the SQL generated needs to search for attribute nodetypes with parent
nodenames equal to the path expression element content. However, when
only searching for attribute content (such as just @packageId), then...

2458 04/06/2005 02:13 AM Chris Jones

When searching for attributes in the XPATH expression, an 'index out of bounds'
exception was thrown when only an attribute was included in the path string.

This fix changes the pathexpr.indexOf comparison to 0 rather than 1, since
the index starts at 0....

2457 04/05/2005 05:03 PM Matt Jones

dropping the sequences as well in the postgres drop list.

2456 04/05/2005 04:57 PM Matt Jones

Added new tables from metacat 1.5 to the drop list.

2455 04/05/2005 04:46 PM Matt Jones

Updated install instructions with IPv6 instructions for postgres.

2454 04/05/2005 01:40 PM sgarg

Changed "NCEAS Data Registry" to "NCEAS Data Repository" for sender. Veronique

(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
2453 04/05/2005 01:38 PM sgarg

Changed "registry" to "repository" for the nceas skin. Veronique Connolly

(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
2452 04/04/2005 05:48 PM sgarg

Commenting out link to /servlet from web.xml for tomcat5

2451 04/04/2005 05:47 PM sgarg

Removed unwanted code.

2450 04/04/2005 04:50 PM sgarg

Removing call to normalize from getNodeRecordList()

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