


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  fgdc 2921 about 19 years Matt Jones Experimental stylesheet for rendering NBII/FGDC...
  spatial_templates 3049 over 18 years perry Fixed up some hardcoded paths in html map templ...
  templates 3027 over 18 years sgarg Added OSUBS to the list of organizations.
accordion.js 27.1 KB 2890 about 19 years sgarg PMARK: decreased overall width PMARK: fixed doc...
ascii-treeview.xsl 5.91 KB 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
branding.js 6.8 KB 3034 over 18 years perry initial import of changes to metacat source and...
browse.xsl 8.71 KB 2226 over 20 years sgarg Added eml2.0.1 in /common stylesheets
common-settings.jsp 3.22 KB 2942 about 19 years Matt Jones Factored out the search forms into javascript v...
download.xsl 1.9 KB 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
effects.js 31.4 KB 2932 about 19 years anderson thi is the effect library.
generic-morpho.xsl 539 Bytes 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
generic.xsl 672 Bytes 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
keywords-list.xsl 6.03 KB 2226 over 20 years sgarg Added eml2.0.1 in /common stylesheets
prototype.js 46.6 KB 2887 about 19 years anderson Adding review resources.
resultset.xsl 10.2 KB 2924 about 19 years Matt Jones Initial support for displaying FGDC metadata do...
review_behaviors.js 4.93 KB 2890 about 19 years sgarg PMARK: decreased overall width PMARK: fixed doc...
reviews.css 1.51 KB 2890 about 19 years sgarg PMARK: decreased overall width PMARK: fixed doc...
spatial_results.css 738 Bytes 2914 about 19 years anderson adding metacat spatial query results styles
spatial_results.xsl 3.09 KB 2930 about 19 years anderson NOT USED ANYMORE, but this is the latest version.

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3049 09/18/2006 01:01 PM perry

Fixed up some hardcoded paths in html map templates.

3034 08/31/2006 04:37 PM perry

initial import of changes to metacat source and config files to support spatial option

3033 08/31/2006 04:22 PM perry

inital import of html templates for web mapping

3027 07/25/2006 10:51 AM sgarg

Added OSUBS to the list of organizations.

2999 05/24/2006 10:56 AM tyburczy

added message explaining procedure to obtain organization-affiliated accounts

2973 04/03/2006 02:49 AM Matt Jones

Modified the title if using the new account skin.

2942 03/01/2006 10:40 PM Matt Jones

Factored out the search forms into javascript variables in a new
common-settings.jsp file which is referenced from the KNP skin. This
allows us to use the same form 3 times in different pages and makes
maintenance of the returndoctype and returnfield lists easier. The...

2932 02/27/2006 03:53 PM anderson

thi is the effect library.

2931 02/27/2006 03:52 PM anderson

added id and name attribs to the generated <iframes>

2930 02/27/2006 03:51 PM anderson

NOT USED ANYMORE, but this is the latest version.

View revisions

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