


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 4810 about 16 years daigle moved file from metacat/bin to metacat/src/scri...
  docs 5268 almost 15 years Matt Jones Fixed typos in metacat documentation.
  lib 5297 almost 15 years Matt Jones Excluding the Maven ant tasks jar from the meta...
  src 5293 almost 15 years ben leinfelder when looking up group membership, skip referral...
  test 5291 almost 15 years Matt Jones Refactored putObject method to separate the cre...
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 27.3 KB 5193 about 15 years daigle Remove redundant Version information 3.07 KB 5295 almost 15 years Matt Jones Modified the build.xml to include a new task fo... 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 53.4 KB 5297 almost 15 years Matt Jones Excluding the Maven ant tasks jar from the meta... 16.3 KB 5181 about 15 years ben leinfelder add required authentication exception class so ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
5297 04/01/2010 04:30 PM Matt Jones

Excluding the Maven ant tasks jar from the metacat war distribution because
it is not needed (its only used to build dataone-service at build time, and
is unused at runtime), and it conflicts with jar files checked in for Spring
as part of the geoserver install. Also updated dataone interface...

5295 03/24/2010 12:41 AM Matt Jones

Modified the build.xml to include a new task for building the dataone
service api package, which generates a jar file that is put into lib. This
task depends on maven being installed in maven.home, and depends on the
DataONE service_api being checed out in a sibling directory to the build....

5294 03/23/2010 08:37 PM Matt Jones

Updated the build to properly locate the servlet jar depending on which
version of tomcat is being used, tomcat5 or tomcat6.

5293 03/23/2010 01:13 PM ben leinfelder

when looking up group membership, skip referrals that have errors

5292 03/23/2010 12:56 PM ben leinfelder

skip referrals that have errors (connection timeout, host down, etc)

5291 03/22/2010 08:55 PM Matt Jones

Refactored putObject method to separate the create() and update() portions in order to match the method signatures needed for DataONE.

5287 03/18/2010 04:02 AM Matt Jones

Modified ResourceHandler.deleteObject() to take a globally unique id (guid)
as input rather than a metacat-conformant docid. The guid is translated
into a metacat docid which is then used in the handleDelete() call. So now
Metacat supports use of arbitrary identifiers for delete operations, but...

5286 03/18/2010 03:11 AM Matt Jones

Added support to ResourceHandler to allow the putObject method to use
arbitrary guid strings as input. These strings are examined, and if they
match the Metacat docid format (, they are used directly. If
the id is a string in another format, a new localId is generated based on...

5285 03/18/2010 03:06 AM Matt Jones

Adding a new property to be used as an identifier prefix by default.

5284 03/17/2010 11:27 PM Matt Jones

Updated MetacatRestClientTest so that the tests are actually calling fail()
when errors occur, and fixed all sixteen tests so that they run successfully
and can be run from any client (i.e., they don't depend on particular
documents being present in Metacat). The 'restfiles' directory can probably ...

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