


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 4810 about 16 years daigle moved file from metacat/bin to metacat/src/scri...
  docs 6878 about 13 years Matt Jones Initial outline for DataONE chapter.
  lib 6864 about 13 years ben leinfelder store D1 configuration properties in the main b...
  src 6876 about 13 years Chris Jones Simplify setReplicationStatus() to not call upd...
  test 6842 about 13 years ben leinfelder include the EML and data tests in the suite
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 29.9 KB 6553 over 13 years ben leinfelder use 2.0.0 -- stub out the release notes 2.76 KB 6555 over 13 years ben leinfelder use 2.0.0 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 54.1 KB 6801 over 13 years Jing Tao Using a branch name for the utilities project. ... 16.3 KB 6053 almost 14 years ben leinfelder remove very old "metacat webservice" code - as ...
  • svn:ignore: build
  • svn:mergeinfo: /branches/D1_0_6_2_BRANCH:6107-6121

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
6878 01/10/2012 07:57 PM Matt Jones

Initial outline for DataONE chapter.

6877 01/10/2012 07:02 PM Matt Jones

Added OAI-PMH chapter that was contributed by Duane Costa from LTER.

6876 01/10/2012 05:04 PM Chris Jones

Simplify setReplicationStatus() to not call updateReplicationMetadata() if a replica doesn't exist. Just create it and update the system metadata, which we already have a lock for.

6875 01/10/2012 05:03 PM Chris Jones

Minor null checks to avoid NPEs when calling replicate()

6874 01/10/2012 05:01 PM Chris Jones

Don't throw a NotAuthorized exception in isAdminAuthorized() - just return false.

6873 01/10/2012 12:12 PM ben leinfelder

do not download and save remote data resources which are HTML but are not expected to be such (login or info/splash pages before data content).

6872 01/10/2012 01:06 AM Matt Jones

Fixed formatting.

6871 01/10/2012 01:00 AM Matt Jones

Moving Metacat Sphinx RST documentation from docs/dev to docs/user directory.

6870 01/10/2012 12:42 AM Matt Jones

Merged most recent changes from trunk into the RST converted version of the Administrator's Guide. Now the Sphinx/RST version is up to date rlative to the most recent word document, and is now the active copy. The MS Word document will be deprecated and removed. All future changes should be made to the RST version.

6869 01/09/2012 05:08 PM Chris Jones

Update the CN methods to throw a VersionMismatch where the API changed (where serialVersion is a required parameter). These were previously throwing an InvalidRequest exception.
Change the exception handling for calls to Hazelcast to catch a RuntimeException (not Exception) so we don't catch exceptions that we purposefully throw....

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