



From 07/05/2000 to 08/03/2000


02:38 PM Bug #50: new mdeBean generates NullPointerException when run
Bug fixed by minor changers in code and placing gif files in proper location
(Loding using getResource() appends pack...
Dan Higgins


01:08 PM Bug #50 (Resolved): new mdeBean generates NullPointerException when run
Running the new dmanclinet code with the mdeBean generates a
NullPointerException when a new document is created. Th...
Matt Jones


09:06 AM Bug #10: Current Drive problem
Fixed with new platform independent method for getting current working directory Dan Higgins
09:04 AM Bug #9: Win 98 Not recognized - error in getting working dir
Bug fixed with new platform independent routine for getting working directory Dan Higgins
09:02 AM Bug #37: mde URLs for DTDs are inaccessible to metacat on insert
Public ID now assigned through Options class in mde. Metacat should ignore the
system ID if proper Public ID assigned...
Dan Higgins
08:59 AM Bug #36: mde doesn't handle PUBLIC ids properly
Options class modified to include a PublicID string that is used in the DOCTYPE
element of the XML document created
Dan Higgins


08:42 AM Bug #11: ibm xml parser jar file missing or corrupted
Problem no longer exists. Dan Higgins

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