Robert Peet's activity
From 03/22/2007 to 04/20/2007
- 05:32 AM InfoVeg Bug #2827 (Closed): Pellaea wrightiana maps incorrectly; deeper problem revealed?
- Something very strange is going on with Pellaea wrightiana, which could suggest deeper problems, perhaps related to c...
- 08:58 AM InfoVeg Bug #2812 (Closed): Query crashes mapping program when concept relationships are logically inconsistent
- When I try to map Rubus leviculus I get what looks like an infinite loop. See error messages below.
Error: [Mic...
- 12:19 PM InfoVeg Bug #2810 (Closed): Print function for maps does not work
- If in IE6 you click the printer icon under a map the program starts to generate a new map and never finishes. In cont...
- 10:10 AM InfoVeg Bug #2808 (Closed): Revise rule 26 to remove most if not all >= relationships
- There are currently over 1000 >= relationiships generated by rule 26.
This occurs when Species A sec Weakley > Spe... - 10:03 AM InfoVeg Bug #2636: Better labels for ambiguous occurrences
- fixed
- 10:01 AM InfoVeg Bug #2793: Reorder search on homepage
- fixed
- 10:01 AM InfoVeg Bug #2784: Community tab should be based on Weakley taxa and not nominals
- fixed
- 09:59 AM InfoVeg Bug #2754: X-IL record does not appear on map; Need category for misc records
- fixed
- 09:58 AM InfoVeg Bug #2651: font issues with various browsers
- fixed
- 09:56 AM InfoVeg Bug #2623: 42. TaxonProgress updates
- fixed
- 09:53 AM InfoVeg Bug #2715: Clean up relationship mapping to remove ?s
- <= relationships now gone.
I will generate a new bug for Xianhua for the >= relationships.
I will pass the 555 ? re... - 09:50 AM InfoVeg Bug #2602: Document concept references in Weakley flora
- I have now created two files that contain (1) simple and full reference couplets, and (2) TaxonName,codeRef and simpl...
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