Bug #1989
closedJDK 1.5 Nullpointer exceptions when using HTML viewer (jdk1.5 Bug ID #5089077 ?)
On startup screen, click "Create New Dataset" to launch wizard, then click
"Introduction to Ecological Metadata" link to open HTML viewer.
Any mouseover or resizing on the text pane results in streams and sreams of
nullpointer stacktraces that make the UI unresponsive.
Haven't looked in great detail ,but appears to be due to a known jdk1.5 bug (Bug
ID #5089077) - see:
which occurs when relative text sizes are used in HTML documents
Possible fixes -
a) better way is to change the code to get rid of the exception (e.g, see
workaround shown at foot of bug page linked above)
b) least-desirable way is to edit HTML/CSS files so relative font sizes aren't
used (I'm guessing some fonts are set as 1em etc instead of 12px etc)