Bug #2121
openadd features to support structural incompatibility
system should check for structural compatability
1) at runtime
2) upon user request
If structural incompatibility found:
1) visually indicate
2) provide mechanism for user to:
a) insert dummy/placeholder transformation actor
b) select from a list of structurally compatible actors
c) select from a list of appropriate transformation actors
d) to create a transformation actor
This functionality may be implemented incrementally first starting with some
simple lists being presented and later using some kind of mapping or matching
tool such as SCIA. In other words, give user the choice of luanching SCIA to
do some mapping and produce a list of actors or custom built transomation
actor or let user do a search to find transformation actors (that match eiter
structurally, semantically or both).
Updated by Matt Jones over 19 years ago
Portions of this are already implemented (e.g., validation), although i don't
think the transformation stuff will necessarily make alpha8. We can try.