Bug #3185
closedCtrl-z does not "undo" in RExpression actor
Ctrl-c (copy) and Ctrl-v (paste) work as expected in the RExpression actor. Is it possible to also make Ctrl-z (undo) work within the R-code window?
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 17 years ago
Locally, I have implemented an UndoableEditListener for the JTextArea that is used in ptolemy.gui.Query along with some supporting inner classes to facilitate the undoing and redoing of text edits. This change would cascade to all actors when editing their parameters. While it seems like a useful feature to provide, it is in a ptII class and therefore should probably be reviewed by the larger community.
I've used the standard Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y shortcut mappings for undo and redo respectively. And yes, "Ctrl" translates to "open apple/command" key on the Mac.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 17 years ago
from kepler-dev email that i sent:
After looking at this again, I realized it could be made even more
generic by creating the UndoableEditListener implementation as a
regular class (not inner). That way the ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor
can make use of the same code. The PythonScript actor seems to makes
use of the TextEditor when you "Configure Actor" (from the context
menu). It would be nice to provide the undo feature there, too.
We could also do something similar with the RExpression actor (but
instead use the text editor when "Open Actor" is invoked). Using the
editor for R would address a few concerns we've heard about the
current editing window being too small and also demanding window focus
until the text changes were "committed".
See http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3186 and http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3187
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 17 years ago
This has been added in the ptolemy base classes now.