Bug #3186
closedcommit RExpression code changes, but leave actor open
R-script development within an RExpression actor can get pretty tedious. For example, when you add a line of code and want to test its effects, you push the RExpression actor "commit" button and this closes the RExpression actor. You can then run the workflow. Then, to make the next small change, you re-open the RExpression actor, alter the code, push "commit", etc. I have repeated this procedure 741 times in a single day (yes, I counted :). It would be REALLY nice if, when the text within the R-code window of the RExpression actor changed, the "submit" button would become activated (i.e., not grayed out). Then, when an analyist has added the next bit of code, they can just push submit and "run" the workflow. In other words, "submit" does not close the RExpression actor, but does make R-code changes visible to the workflow. Is this possible with Kepler?
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
Proposed implementation (working locally for me):
By using the ptolemy.actor.gui.TextEditor when "Open Actor" is invoked on the RExpression we can support saving changes to the script while still keeping the editor open.
After saving the contents of the editor (ctrl+S or cmd+S short cuts work), the window can remain open, and the workflow can be executed (and the editor can still be open during execution).
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
Rather than just double clicking on the actor, if you "Open" the actor, the expression editing window will appear. changes can be committed ("Save") and the workflow can be run while the window remains open.