Bug #3874
closedptolemy.util.StringUtilities.mergePropertiesFile() deletes properties
mergePropertiesFile() appears to delete properties, including java.home and java.class.path.
Note that this method will only be run if $PTII/ptolemy/lib/ptII.properties exists, which is created by running $PTII/configure.
Updated by Christopher Brooks about 16 years ago
Hmm, I can't reproduce this.
The following Tcl Code works as expected
% java::call ptolemy.util.StringUtilities mergePropertiesFile
% set property [java::call ptolemy.util.StringUtilities getProperty java.class.path]
% set property [java::call ptolemy.util.StringUtilities getProperty java.home]
mergePropertiesFile() looks like:
/** Merge the properties in lib/ptII.properties with the current
* properties. lib/ptII.properties is searched for in the
* classpath. The value of properties listed in
* lib/ptII.properties do not override properties with the same
* name in the current properties.
* @exception IOException If thrown while looking for the
* $CLASSPATH/lib/ptII.properties file.
public static void mergePropertiesFile() throws IOException {
Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties();
Properties newProperties = new Properties();
String propertyFileName = "$CLASSPATH/lib/ptII.properties";
// FIXME: xxxxxxCLASSPATHxxxxxx is an ugly hack
URL propertyFileURL = FileUtilities.nameToURL(
"xxxxxxCLASSPATHxxxxxx/lib/ptII.properties", null, null);
if (propertyFileURL == null) {
throw new IOException("Could not find " + propertyFileName);
// systemProperties is a HashSet, so we merge in the new properties.
// FIXME: This should be logged, not printed.
//System.out.println("Loaded " + propertyFileURL);
What does your lib/ptII.properties file look like?
Updated by Daniel Crawl about 16 years ago
I've attached the generated lib/ptII.properties file.
Can you start Kepler if that file exists? On both mac and linux, I cannot. I haven't tried windows.
Updated by Daniel Crawl over 15 years ago
I just saw this bug occur on windows xp: if $PTII/lib/ptII.properties exists, Kepler won't start:
[run] Caused by: java.lang.Error: Can't find java.home ??
Updated by Christopher Brooks over 15 years ago
Ok, I can replicate a problem in Kepler under Windows XP
If I do:
cp $PTII/lib/ptII.properties ../ptolemy/lib
Then "ant run" fails with messages about missing fonts.
Updated by Christopher Brooks over 15 years ago
Fixed. I'm not sure what the cause is here, I can't get a small test to fail.
Basically, we read the system properties and create a java.util.Properties, see
We then read in the properties file and then call putAll and merge in
the previous system properties.
public static void mergePropertiesFile() throws IOException {
Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties();
Properties newProperties = new Properties();
String propertyFileName = "$CLASSPATH/lib/ptII.properties";
// FIXME: xxxxxxCLASSPATHxxxxxx is an ugly hack
URL propertyFileURL = FileUtilities.nameToURL(
"xxxxxxCLASSPATHxxxxxx/lib/ptII.properties", null, null);
if (propertyFileURL == null) {
throw new IOException("Could not find " + propertyFileName);
// systemProperties is a HashSet, so we merge in the new properties.
For some reason, in Kepler, this results in a partially truncated set of
properties. I suspect a threading bug.
Happily, if I instantiate newProperties with:
Properties newProperties = new Properties(systemProperties);
and remove the putAll() call, then the problem goes away.
I'm not sure why this makes a difference, but it does.