



Bug #4081


Rework Appendix B

Added by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

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Rework Appendix B of the User Manual for the 2.0

Related issues

Blocked by Kepler - Bug #3976: Update Documentation for 2.0 releaseResolveddebi staggs04/13/2009

Actions #2

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 15 years ago

Actions #3

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago

Reviewed the R appendix - some minor typos corrected, but no glaring omissions re: functionality. I was concerned about the BEAM example not going to run - but it still executes successfully.

As discussed with Chad, we need to be aware of how the R examples are included in the installed version of Kepler 2.0. A handful of workflows reference data files that are in the 'r' module ('r-2.0' for this release). It would be nice to not have to rework the examples each time we release the module (r-2.1, say)

Also, there are references made to the R demo directory in the text of the manual - we want to make sure those reflect what's in the installer for 2.0

Last thing: should we re-do screen shots so that the 2.0 changes to the GUI (mostly in the component search area) are reflected? I have not done this because I didn't want to introduce OS X shots in the mix of Linux (or are they Windows?) shots. Or do we not care about them being consistent?

Actions #4

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 15 years ago

Originally, I had wanted to keep all of the screen shots consistent, however, it's going to take a lot of work to do that. What do people think of mixing screen shots from various OSs?

Actions #5

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

(In reply to comment #4)

Originally, I had wanted to keep all of the screen shots consistent, however,
it's going to take a lot of work to do that. What do people think of mixing
screen shots from various OSs?

I agree with Matt, that is is probably o.k., and it shows that we support different OS's. Also, so far what I have found in replacing the screen shots is that there are many that just show the workflow canvas by itself and those don't have to be replaced. The ones that all DO need updating are any that show the component / data / outline panel, since the extra tab has been added, the search looks different, and the toolbar no longer has the full screen button in it.

Actions #6

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

(In reply to comment #5)

(In reply to comment #4)

Originally, I had wanted to keep all of the screen shots consistent, however,
it's going to take a lot of work to do that. What do people think of mixing
screen shots from various OSs?

I agree with Matt, that is is probably o.k., and it shows that we support
different OS's. Also, so far what I have found in replacing the screen shots
is that there are many that just show the workflow canvas by itself and those
don't have to be replaced. The ones that all DO need updating are any that
show the component / data / outline panel, since the extra tab has been added,
the search looks different, and the toolbar no longer has the full screen
button in it.

Also, I don't mind taking on the task of doing the screen shots for the rest of the docs. If that will be helpful.

Actions #7

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 15 years ago

Ok, thanks, Debi. The only thing left to do on this is update screenshots then. I've made a separate bug (bug 4867) for screenshots so I'm closing this one.

Actions #8

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 4081


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