Bug #4634
closedrun archive causes NPE when building local repository
Start Kepler from a clean-cache. I'm at r22183. Move the example to the default workflows folder and re"Build" the components tree. I get an NPE:
at org.kepler.objectmanager.ObjectManager.getHighestObjectRevision(ObjectManager.java:241)
at org.kepler.util.WorkflowRun.createWorkflowRunCacheObject(WorkflowRun.java:584)
at org.kepler.util.WorkflowRun.cache(WorkflowRun.java:986)
at org.kepler.kar.KARFile.cache(KARFile.java:841)
at org.kepler.kar.KARFile.cacheKARContents(KARFile.java:567)
at org.kepler.kar.KARCacheManager.synchronizeKARCacheWithLocalRepositories(KARCacheManager.java:352)
Related issues
Updated by Derik Barseghian about 15 years ago
Disclaimer: I haven't used the Build button often.
I just tried this on r22478, and don't get the error, but if the workflows folder (with the kar inside) doesn't seem to become visible.
Updated by Oliver Soong about 15 years ago
Oh, the part about archives not showing up is from bug 4559. This might have gotten fixed by something else along the way, or it could be masked by 4559. Not sure. I'm going to say it depends on 4559 and then we can revisit if 4559 ever gets fixed.
Updated by Oliver Soong about 15 years ago
This got fixed somewhere along the line.