Bug #4869
openchanges made to workflows during dialogs before committing (Edit Parameters/Cancel)
When I make changes to an actor through the dialog, it seems like the changes are made to the workflow immediately, before the "Commit" button is clicked.
For example, create a workflow with an EML 2 Dataset actor. Make sure Kepler has not already authenticated with KNB. Now edit the EML 2 Dataset actor to reference a data package that requires authentication. The KNB login window will immediately pop up, even though no changes have been committed. Dismiss the window in some way. Now click the Help button and close the help window. The dialog will have disappeared. Open the actor dialog again, and the change will be there.
I should point out that the "Cancel" button does seem to work, but I suspect (based on debugging comments and comments in code) that this acts by reverting the changes already made.
I've seen this for sure on EML 2 Dataset and RExpression, since changes to one trigger visual feedback and I've mucked around in the code of the other. I suspect this is a general problem, though, and it may be a result of the underlying ptolemy design.
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