Bug #4909
openActor documentation: updates ignored, duplicate info, how to refer to other actors/models?
A few comments about the Kepler Actor Documentation system
1. If I update the .xml file for a Director, then preexisting models
do not get the updates. I think this is wrong. For example,
I added text to PNDirector.xml. If a user has a preexisting model
that uses PNDirector, then to see the new text, they would need
to drag in a new PNDirector.
2. The model files contain copies of the documentation. This is
related to point 1 above. This will be an issue for large systems
because parsing a large file with redundant info takes time and
possibly consumes lots of memory
3. In a documentation .xml file, how do I refer to another actor
or director? For example in
I want to refer to the Ramp actor so that if the user
clicks on the link, then they are shown the Ramp actor documentation
How do I do that?
4. In a documentation .xml file, how do I refer to a model?
For example, in
I want to refer to
How do I do that?