Bug #5189
openWhen File -> Exit is choosen Kepler closes all workflows without warning
This issue is related to multiple workflows execution. In order to reproduce it do as follows:
1. Open Kepler
2. Open workflow (loop_1.xml)
3. You should have two workflows opened Blank and loop_1.xml
4. Start loop_1.xml
5. While loop_1.xml is executing go back to "Blank" worfklow
6. Choose File -> Exit
7. Kepler closes everything without warning user that workflow is running
This issue has an impact workflow execution where users start long lasting workflows.
Updated by Christopher Brooks over 14 years ago
Personally, I prefer applications that actually exit when I select exit. :-)
However, I see the point here.
The enhancement would be that upon exit, the system would check to see
if any models are running. If they are running, it would bring up a
dialog that says "A model is running do you really want to exit?"
That dialog should also have a checkbox:
"Do not show this dialog again". That user preference would be stored.