



Bug #5252


Plotting bugs

Added by Derik Barseghian about 14 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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Here are a few things Dan and I came across with plotting:
1) you can drag items into initial grayed-out, unusable plot
2) you have to click 'create new plot' to get first usable plot. Can this already be done?
3) Items of Interest tree keeps collapsing when running, making it difficult to grab ports
4) demo timeseries is still there in the Plot Viewer by default - can we get rid of it?
5) can only drag out 'plotter' port for a sensor - should non-draggable ports be filtered? I initially thought I should use the 'data' port.
6) make table, and Name and Y columns wider

Actions #1

Updated by Sean Riddle about 14 years ago

I have fixed items 1-4. 5 is sort of fixed; ports of definitely the wrong type (ie. (double for timestamp, double for data) tuples) are not draggable, but some ports can't be determined, since type resolution is done at preinitialize().

Actions #2

Updated by Sean Riddle about 14 years ago

This can either be closed or can be held open to try and improve the port dragging behavior (maybe using a naming convention).

Actions #3

Updated by Derik Barseghian about 14 years ago

changing bugs from REAP to Kepler product

Actions #4

Updated by Derik Barseghian about 14 years ago

#4 is still an issue for me.
#6 would be good to fix, and should be pretty easy.
re #5, it would be nice if non-draggable ports simply weren't shown.

Actions #5

Updated by Derik Barseghian about 14 years ago

fix #4, no longer show demo data series, at r27158

Actions #6

Updated by Derik Barseghian about 14 years ago

7) Can the Add Row button be used successfully? I can't. If I add Add Row, and then paste in a valid Name, the Ylabel (which is not editable) stays blank, and no data appears in the plotter. Even if this worked, I really doubt anyone would want to add a row in this way. Maybe I misunderstand? If not, I'd say we just get rid of this button.

Actions #7

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 14 years ago

(In reply to comment #6)
removed Add Row button at r27411.

Actions #8

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 14 years ago

8) In the Plot Designer, if you click on the Color column, a color picker is launched. If you click on the Color column again without closing this new dialog, the picker disappears and the jtable locks up. This is an issue with Tag Manager's color picker too.

Actions #9

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 14 years ago

9) There are problems with the Plot Designer layout. If on the Plot Designer view you resize the Kepler window, or expand the bottom panel (blank - where the WRM is on the reporting view), the plot design panel can instantly resize to a tiny square, smaller than toolbar a button, and you can get in states where you cannot get this jpanel to 'un-shrink' by resizing the kepler window.

Actions #10

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 14 years ago

#6 and #9 fixed at r27549.

Actions #11

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 13 years ago

Many people hit #8 at the sensor training workshop, and I had to tell them to delete the plot they'd just set up to get around it. Should fix this.

10) The Plot Viewer has no scroll bars, essentially making it useless to add more than one plot for most monitor resolutions.

Actions #12

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

11) Another problem is that when you add an additional item to be plotted (drag a port into the Plot Designer creating a new row), the first (and only the first) item already being plotted changes color to some seemingly random new color in the Plot Viewer. This doesn't make sense. Also, the Plot Designer does not reflect the change (the color picker in the row does not change).

Actions #13

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

(In reply to comment #8)

8) In the Plot Designer, if you click on the Color column, a color picker is
launched. If you click on the Color column again without closing this new
dialog, the picker disappears and the jtable locks up. This is an issue with
Tag Manager's color picker too.

Fixed #8 at r29980 and r29982.
It's worth noting there are two versions of ColorTableCellEditor and ColorTableCellRenderer, one pair in Plotting, the other in Runtimemonitor. See bug#5630

Actions #14

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

(In reply to comment #12)

11) Another problem is that when you add an additional item to be plotted (drag
a port into the Plot Designer creating a new row), the first (and only the
first) item already being plotted changes color to some seemingly random new
color in the Plot Viewer. This doesn't make sense. Also, the Plot Designer does
not reflect the change (the color picker in the row does not change).

Fixed #12 at r29981. The first item's color no longer changes when a new item is added.

Actions #15

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

(In reply to comment #11)

Many people hit #8 at the sensor training workshop, and I had to tell them to
delete the plot they'd just set up to get around it. Should fix this.

10) The Plot Viewer has no scroll bars, essentially making it useless to add
more than one plot for most monitor resolutions.

Fixed #10 missing Plot Viewer scroll bars issue at r29985.

Actions #16

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

Everything but #5 is done. #5 is: don't show ports you can't drag into the Plot Designer (although what most users expect to be able to do initially is to simply drag out sensorX). Right now you can see all ports, but only drag the one that's plottable, the data port. Interestingly, you also can't drag these other ports out in either the Outline or Reporting views, which is wrong -- e.g. it's conceivable someone schedules a workflow that contains a sensor actor, and wants to report on the sampling rate or on/off status at that time using these ports.

Since we should work towards making plotting capable of plotting other types of ports besides ArrayType(BaseType.INT, 2), I don't suggest not showing any ports and allowing the user to drag out the sensor itself. Instead only show draggable ports, or visually highlight those that are draggable. I can't quickly spot what's making these non-draggable, I see rejection code (DataTable.isPlottablePort()), but that's not the reason. Will revisit later.

Actions #17

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

(In reply to comment #16)

Everything but #5 is done. #5 is: don't show ports you can't drag into the Plot
Designer (although what most users expect to be able to do initially is to
simply drag out sensorX). Right now you can see all ports, but only drag the
one that's plottable, the data port. Interestingly, you also can't drag these
other ports out in either the Outline or Reporting views, which is wrong --
e.g. it's conceivable someone schedules a workflow that contains a sensor
actor, and wants to report on the sampling rate or on/off status at that time
using these ports.

Since we should work towards making plotting capable of plotting other types of
ports besides ArrayType(BaseType.INT, 2), I don't suggest not showing any ports
and allowing the user to drag out the sensor itself. Instead only show
draggable ports, or visually highlight those that are draggable. I can't
quickly spot what's making these non-draggable, I see rejection code
(DataTable.isPlottablePort()), but that's not the reason. Will revisit later.

The reason you can't drag out Sensor's isOn or samplingPeriod is they're PortParameters, and PortParameters aren't draggable from any of the Outline/Items of Interest panes. After a lengthy search, I finally found out why: a hack at r57732 to ptolemy's ParameterPort to avoid bug#4915:
Parameter notDraggable = new Parameter(this, "_notDraggable");

I'ved opened bug#5631 to remove the hack and fix dragging out PortParameters, targeted at sensor-view-1.x.y.

Actions #18

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

So my thinking now for issue #5 is that the plotting Items of Interest tree should highlight those ports that can be properly plotted. Right now you can drag some ports into the plot design that won't be plotted. Before execution, actors that have appropriately typed ports could be highlighted, and ideally, highlighting could also be updated during execution time when other ports become known as plottable based on their type. The tree of course should not collapse during such highlight changes. I'm retargeting this to sensor-1.x.y and changing to enhancement after discussing w/ Matt.

Actions #19

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

#13) You can add a duplicate row to a Plot Design, and this duplicate is not plotted. If you delete the original row, the second copy that remains is still not plotted. Duplicates should either be plotted or disallowed.

Actions #20

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

14) This is minor, but you can change the title and x, and y labels by right-clicking on the plot in the Plot Viewer. The title and x, and y labels you've set up in the Designer then become out of sync.

Actions #21

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 5252


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