Bug #940
openneed large performance enhancements
Morpho is a dog. We need to fix that. There are several obvious places, and
probably som emore subtle ones. Whoever handles this bug should do some formal
application profiling, but here are some suggested places where improvements
must be made:
1) Opening a data package is v. slow. This is true whether local or network.
Note that metacat can open and display a package on the web in about 2 seconds,
while Morpho takes 20 seconds or more. We use a ton of XML parsers -- my guess
is we need to be much more careful about how things are opened, cache the
results, and do some downloading asynchronously based on a priority of what
needs to be seen first.
2) Searches are slow. Bug 307 proposes one mechanism to improve things which
should be pursued. Local searches could easily be improved by changing how docs
are stored on disk -- by moving revisions to a separate directory and only
searching current docs, we can speed things up a lot. Data should probably be
in yet another directory, because it is large, and because it causes an
exception to be thrown, which is slower than a normal method call.
3) Resultset display is slow. Metacat searches are returned as one large
document, rather than being displayed as they are produced. Could possibly
change metacat and morpho to immediately stream results rather than holding on
to them. Bug 458 describes this approach.
Updated by Dan Higgins about 22 years ago
I (Dan Higgins)offer the following observations about what is and is not 'slow'
in Morpho.
Metacat searches:
--A '%' search for all packages using Morpho takes ~20 sec and returns 169 packages
--A '%' search for all packages using webclient takes ~20 sec and returns 169
packages (no apparent difference from morpho)
--A search for a word in a title which only one package satisfies take 2-3
seconds in both Morpho and using the web client.
Metacat+local searches:
--including 21 local data packages adds less than 1 sec to a % search
--A search for a word in a title which only one package satisfies takes is about
the same whether or not the 21 local packages are included in the search (first
search is somewhat slower since local cache not yet built)
Opening Data Packages:
Opening packages in Morpho can take 20 secs of more IF there is an associated
data file. Packages without a data file open in 2-3 seconds which is about the
same time required in the web client. The slowness is apparently tied to the
data display. Since the web client only displays datapackage metadata, it would
clearly be faster than the Morpho display which shows ALL the package info. One
solution for speed up would be to put all the data processing into a background
thead and show the package metadata first (while the data thread is running).
I conclude that the primary area where work on speeding up Morpho is in the data
display part of the package display. Local searches are not slowing down the
system unless one has hundreds of local packages. Also fixing Bug 307 will have
no effect on initial searches although it would speed up Result set refreshes.
Updated by Dan Higgins about 22 years ago
I (Dan Higgins)offer the following observations about what is and is not 'slow'
in Morpho.
Metacat searches:
--A '%' search for all packages using Morpho takes ~20 sec and returns 169 packages
--A '%' search for all packages using webclient takes ~20 sec and returns 169
packages (no apparent difference from morpho)
--A search for a word in a title which only one package satisfies take 2-3
seconds in both Morpho and using the web client.
Metacat+local searches:
--including 21 local data packages adds less than 1 sec to a % search
--A search for a word in a title which only one package satisfies takes is about
the same whether or not the 21 local packages are included in the search (first
search is somewhat slower since local cache not yet built)
Opening Data Packages:
Opening packages in Morpho can take 20 secs of more IF there is an associated
data file. Packages without a data file open in 2-3 seconds which is about the
same time required in the web client. The slowness is apparently tied to the
data display. Since the web client only displays datapackage metadata, it would
clearly be faster than the Morpho display which shows ALL the package info. One
solution for speed up would be to put all the data processing into a background
thead and show the package metadata first (while the data thread is running).
I conclude that the primary area where work on speeding up Morpho is in the data
display part of the package display. Local searches are not slowing down the
system unless one has hundreds of local packages. Also fixing Bug 307 will have
no effect on initial searches although it would speed up Result set refreshes.
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 22 years ago
A number of corrections have been made to speed up the display of newly opened
datapackages. These include removing a large number of redundent XML parsing
operations (by caching the DOM) and not trying to parse data files (a list of
data files is built so they are newer examined more than once). Also, only the
latest version of package is now searched locally.
Updated by Dan Higgins over 21 years ago
Newly rewritten XML tree editor (Version 1.4.1) is nearly 100 times faster than
older editor. This will make editing og complex modules like 'project' much more