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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5706 Morpho Bug New Normal Menu bar font color in Ubuntu difficult to read ben leinfelder 09/06/2012 03:06 PM Actions
5707 Morpho Bug New Normal Auto-check for newer version of Morpho on start-up ben leinfelder 01/18/2013 04:09 PM Actions
5735 Morpho Bug New Normal Decide on primary package identifier ben leinfelder 02/19/2013 04:04 PM Actions
5736 Morpho Bug New Normal Morpho DataONE refactor - tracker ben leinfelder 09/06/2013 12:51 PM Actions
5743 Morpho Bug New Normal Include ORE identifier in search results ben leinfelder 02/19/2013 04:04 PM Actions
5747 Morpho Bug New Normal Open ORE documents locally ben leinfelder 02/19/2013 04:04 PM Actions
5757 Morpho Bug New Normal Add identifier scheme drop down to id conflict window ben leinfelder 02/19/2013 04:04 PM Actions
5766 Morpho Bug New Normal Include data identifier in EML (rather than ecogrid:// URL) ben leinfelder 02/19/2013 04:04 PM Actions
5809 Morpho Bug New Normal Default save behavior to always include local store ben leinfelder 02/18/2013 12:40 PM Actions
5821 Metacat Bug New Normal Allow certificate-based Metacat administration ben leinfelder 05/20/2014 10:59 AM Actions
5823 Morpho Bug New Normal Improve save-to-network performance Jing Tao 02/20/2013 05:33 PM Actions
5848 Morpho Bug New Normal Ensure Morpho can edit EML contributed by DataUp ben leinfelder 02/12/2013 04:58 PM Actions
5998 EML Feature New Normal Add publication date property to keywordSet Matt Jones 12/11/2013 11:02 AM Actions
6013 MetacatUI Story New Normal KNB rebranding 07/01/2013 04:02 PM Actions
6034 Metacat Feature New Normal Simplify configuration for certificate delegation ben leinfelder 05/20/2014 10:58 AM Actions
6049 MetacatUI Feature New Normal Render some SystemMetadata details in views ben leinfelder 03/30/2016 10:46 AM Actions
6079 EML Feature New Normal Support JSON or XML output from emlparser ben leinfelder 09/06/2013 11:18 AM Actions
6084 Morpho Story New Normal Use SOLR query instead of pathquery Jing Tao 09/06/2013 01:25 PM Actions
6249 Semtools Story New Normal Define annotation model 11/26/2013 09:29 AM Actions
6250 Semtools Story New Normal Create domain ontology (measurement types) 11/26/2013 09:46 AM Actions
6251 Semtools Story New Normal Design whole-system semantic architecture 12/09/2013 12:09 PM Actions
6252 Semtools Story New Normal Design/implement storage system 12/09/2013 12:09 PM Actions
6255 Semtools Story New Normal Design/implement semantic search UI 11/26/2013 09:53 AM Actions
6256 Semtools Story New Normal Design/implement annotation generation system 12/09/2013 12:09 PM Actions
6258 Semtools Task New Normal Create annotation specification (RDFS?) 11/26/2013 09:30 AM Actions
6259 Semtools Task New Normal Specify Annotation serialization format[s] 11/26/2013 09:44 AM Actions
6260 Semtools Task New Normal Review annotation model with partners 11/26/2013 09:45 AM Actions
6261 Semtools Task New Normal Lifecycle design diagram 11/26/2013 09:46 AM Actions
6262 Semtools Task New Normal System component collaboration diagrams 11/26/2013 09:47 AM Actions
6263 Semtools Task New Normal Define APIs for all component interfaces 11/26/2013 09:48 AM Actions
6264 Semtools Task New Normal Define message types for all APIs 11/26/2013 09:48 AM Actions
6265 Semtools Task New Normal Choose query language 11/26/2013 09:50 AM Actions
6266 Semtools Task New Normal Filter on Characteristic 11/26/2013 09:52 AM Actions
6267 Semtools Task New Normal Filter on Person 11/26/2013 09:57 AM Actions
6268 Semtools Task New Normal Annotation in REML package 11/26/2013 09:57 AM Actions
6269 Semtools Task New Normal Integrate SemantEco Annotator from RPI 11/26/2013 09:58 AM Actions
6345 Semtools Task New Normal Integrate Domeo annotator (perhaps) 01/02/2014 12:50 PM Actions
6437 Metacat Story New Normal Upgrade to SOLR 4 or 5 Jing Tao 10/12/2017 10:23 AM Actions
7177 Metacat Task New Normal Ensure Metacat runs on Tomcat 8 Jing Tao 10/13/2017 12:09 PM Actions
3360 Metacat Bug In Progress Normal Many LDAP users not showing up in 'getprincipals' search Jing Tao 01/18/2013 04:13 PM Actions
3514 FIRST Bug In Progress Normal Import assessments with no assessment-level score detail Ryan McFall 05/11/2009 10:50 AM Actions
5779 Morpho Bug In Progress Normal Owners list reorders its entries ben leinfelder 04/29/2016 09:19 AM Actions
5805 Morpho Bug In Progress Normal Local and Network revisions show at same time in search results ben leinfelder 09/06/2013 12:49 PM Actions
6045 Morpho Bug In Progress Normal Morpho not correctly handling Chinese characters ben leinfelder 04/25/2014 03:31 PM Actions
6253 Semtools Story In Progress Normal Design/implement semantic indexing system ben leinfelder 03/03/2014 04:42 PM Actions
6254 Semtools Story In Progress Normal Design/implement semantic query service and syntax 03/03/2014 04:46 PM Actions
6257 Semtools Task In Progress Normal Annotation model diagrams 01/02/2014 02:25 PM Actions
6416 Metacat Feature In Progress Normal Do not allow restrictive access control change to content with a DOI ben leinfelder 04/07/2016 11:55 AM Actions
3478 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Cannot insert XML documents Michael Daigle 09/17/2008 03:45 PM Actions
3506 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate Data upload fails on dev Michael Daigle 10/03/2008 05:08 PM Actions
(51-100/598) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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